Heart of the Iron Tree

Current State:

The Blackwater Company dispatched crews with wartime load to the north eastern coastal waters making haste to the Heart of the Iron Tree in an effort to find the connection to Thros on the Iron Isles. Tenders dispatched from the Eternal Harmony, Dark Horse, Hand of the Dragon, and the Fate carrying builders, and mercenaries into the marshlands that surrounded the heart known as the Emerald Forest. The crews established a foward outpost named Senya's Stand in a weeks time, and mustered in two tanks to reinforce the mercenaries as the initial push proved incredibly lethal. Suffering the loss of twenty mercenaries, and two builders the crews beligured pushed the hill that rose up beneath the gem of the Iron Isles to enact the final push to get Persefani Hightower back. As the forces moved, a few seemed divided and pushed ahead as others united and found that the strength was in the efforts made as a whole team. Eventually the crews reached the Heart of the Iron Tree, and not seeing any route that lead inside of the massive heart a more conventional method of opening it was crafted when Senya struck the base of the heart with her blades. With a thunderous crash the ichor inside the heart spilled out killing all the grass for nearly a mile as all the ironwood trees cracked and splintered as the bark and knots gnarled and spidered out like veins. The leaves immediately turned blood red as they fell from the trees like blood petals as the Awakened Ironwood would no longer have a centralized heart...
Camp, Temporary
Location under