
The Blackwater Company Knowledge:

A crew of Blackwater Historians have landed to begin cataloging the ruins of the Iron Isles to truely capture the rich history of the people who have fought the scourge for decades.


Historian Theorin Forrel paid a personal visit to the town of Lostwick after the company had liberated it from the covens grasp in a military move that could be recorded in the future. Lostwick, formerly known as Heartwick, has a storied history where the Order of Embers sect called home beneath the reaches of one heart of the forest. Situated amidst the lush ironwood forest, Heartwake was a renowned bastion of knowledge and offered sanctuary for many priests, and paladins of the Grey Order. For generations, the Order of Embers called Heartwick home, dedicating themselves to studying the ironwood trees, the heart of the forest above the town, and the bloodline of the people on the isles. As the Order delved into the mysteries of the ironwood, their investigations led them to uncover dark and ancient powers lurking in the depths of the heart of the forest. As a group of members traveled north researchers cut open the heart of the forest which would unleash a cataclysmic event that would spill out the guts of the trees onto the town. The once verdant landscape of Heartwick was transformed into the red forest, and the town changed forever to the town of Lostwick.  

Current State:

The town of Lostwick offers a great deal of hope to the Resistance as the Grey Order reunites with the military forces at the gates to the northfold. The town offers notice that the people who kept record moved on to the Ironwood Observatory in efforts to avoid corrupting their people like the folly of Saeru Heartwick many years ago.
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