Ruin of Iron Deep

The Blackwater Company Knowledge:

A crew of Blackwater Historians have landed to begin cataloging the ruins of the Iron Isles to truely capture the rich history of the people who have fought the scourge for decades.  


The great slate halls of Iron Deep were once home to a noble family like of the original Ironbound descendants. Count Therodan Foras became a leader of the section of the Iron Isles now known as the Northfold at the age of twenty. The halls bustled with wheat crop that enriched the entire Iron Isles for decades to come until the year 23 ADP. At the age of 68 Count Therodan Foras found his region besieged by the hellish scourge from Northrend initially holding off the undead for five years as the Northfold fell to rot and ruin around the people of Iron Deep.   Once the scourge broke the spirits of the Foras family it took less than eight hours for the entire city to fall during one swift final effort by the damned marking its fall to ruin in March of the year 28 ADP.   Nearly thirteen years later the Northfold was rid of the scourge after the Blackwater Company, Huntsmen, and Blackwake aided the Ironbound, and Iron Syndicate in rousing the seventeen year war against the endless army of the scourge. Iron Deep was a rotten ruin that was taken up by orcish ravagers when the dead cleared.   After some time a contracted paladin order marched on, and purged the ruin of all orcs that attempted to set up in the ruin...   In the year 41 ADP the Ironbound have fallen back to Lornon after the Heartsbane Coven, and Iron Tree Pirates have taken hold of the King through compulsory means. The Ruin of Iron Deep served as a landing, and staging ground for the Blackwater Company to establish a foothold on the Iron Isles...

28 ADP

Alternative Name(s)
The Golden Run
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization