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Twilight was a secret organization responsible for instigating the 5th Plain war , a conflict between the tribes of the Jubal Plains and The Holy Empire of Concordia . Formed by the enigmatic Vallencourt, Twilight operated in the shadows to execute its schemes and manipulate events to its advantage. The organization was comprised of a diverse group of individuals, each bringing their unique skills and abilities to further Twilight's covert agenda.

Founding and Purpose

Twilight was established by Vallencort , a cunning strategist who sought to carry out his machinations without drawing attention to himself or his actions. By assembling a group of powerful and discrete individuals, Vallencourt aimed to orchestrate events from behind the scenes, sowing discord and manipulating key players to ignite the 5th Plains War. This strategy allowed him to maneuver without exposing his true identity or intentions.

Key Members


- Vallencort.

: The mastermind behind Twilight, Vallencourt was, in reality, Cardinal Heskel of the Concordian Army's 6th legion . He adopted the Vallencourt persona to obscure his movements and operate outside the constraints of his official position. Under this guise, he directed Twilight’s operations and ensured their actions aligned with his broader goals.

- Cassia Nikaea 

: A sorceress specializing in teleportation magic, Nikea was once affiliated with the Crescent Gate Academy. She betrayed both the academy and her mentor, Lady Ullenor, to join Twilight. Nikea's teleportation abilities were invaluable, allowing Twilight's members to move swiftly and undetected across great distances, facilitating surprise attacks and covert operations.

-Julian Marriott.

: A malconvoker from the Crystallo Federation, Julian served as the chief tactician for Twilight. Skilled in summoning devils, he provided the organization with a formidable force of infernal creatures to supplement their manpower. Julian's summoned devils formed the backbone of Twilight's military strength, enabling them to engage in both direct and indirect combat with their enemies.

-Morthil Zinnan

: An enigmatic elf with a mysterious past, Morthil's knowledge of ancient history and hidden locations made him an asset to Twilight. Through his connections with Leonidus Silvertoung , Morthil was instrumental in locating several Kang-Zao ruins, which held ancient secrets and powerful artifacts that Twilight sought to exploit.

- Stryfe.

: Known as the Black Knight, Stryfe was a powerful devil summoned by Julian Marriott to serve as his personal bodyguard and enforcer. Stryfe's imposing presence and combat prowess made him a fearsome opponent, often acting as the frontline warrior in Twilight's more direct confrontations.

- Carnage 

: Formerly a member of the adventuring group Arcane Punch , Carnage's soul was claimed by Julian Marriott upon her death. Reanimated and bound to Twilight's cause, she served as an unwilling agent, driven by dark magic and compelled to obey Marriott's commands. Her inclusion in Twilight's ranks provided them with inside knowledge of Arcane Punch's tactics and weaknesses.

Role in the 5th Plains War

Twilight's clandestine activities were central to the outbreak of the 5th Plains War. Utilizing their unique abilities, Twilight's members carried out strategic assassinations, spread misinformation, and manipulated key figures to create an environment ripe for conflict. Their ultimate goal was to destabilize the region, forcing various factions into a war that would serve Vallencourt's hidden ambitions.
Adventuring Party


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