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Simiro Sairtora

Former General of Tempus' Legion and Champion of the Order of the Steel Fang (a.k.a. The Angel of Death)

Noble warrior and respected leader Simiro Sairtora is one of the most famous figures in recent history due to his heroic sacrifice to bring an end to The Convergance. The former champion of the broken Sword and general of the followers of Tempus was renowned for his skill on the battlefield and his brilliant strategic mind. He was also a keen diplomat having been born into one of The Capital Isle most influential families. Many believe that it was the loss of his brilliant leadership that caused the Followers of Tempus to lose their way and that if he were still alive things would likely be different.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born as an only child into the powerful Sairtora family, Simiro spent most of his youth learning the formalities of court and mastering swordplay. The Sairtora's were close with The Proudmourn Dynasty, and as a result, he spent a good part of his upbringing with Volmar and Evelia Proudmourn and was very close with both. He was especially close with Evelia Proudmourn, and for a time it was thought that the two might have married had she not tragically passed away at a young age.
Simiro and Volmar remained close and would often train together. Upon taking the throne, Volmar recognised Simiro's skill in combat, tactical mind and natural leadership so gave him a high ranking position in the Royal Army . It was here where Simiro flourished, and his unparalleled expertise in the art of combat attracted the attention of the God of war, Tempus. It wasn't long before he was a high ranking paladin with the Holy ranks and within two years of joining The Royal Army he stepped down to become a commander with the followers of Tempus. Here he learned and became a crucial part of the legion until he was eventually given the title of Champion under the Order of the Steel Fang and not long after that became the general of the legion.
Not long into his tenure as general a new threat looked set to put him and the rest of Tempus' legion to the test. The eastern nation of Pirànjù under the leadership of Ishitori Akitane was growing ever ambitious and had set its sights on The Capital Isle. As the nation prepared for invasion in The War That Never Was, the planes overlapped and The Convergance began. It is commonly thought that if the armies of the Isle's were not already preparing for war that they would have been defeated in the catastrophe. After the slaughter at The Marrow Field , where Simiro's second in command Tarin Newguard as well as thousands of other soldiers lost their lives, he knew that something drastic had to happen or there was no hope for victory. He took a small unit of soldiers into The Shadowfell and not long after, the gateways between the worlds closed and The Convergance ended. Tragically Simiro was never seen again.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Is believed to be the reason The Convergance ended after he sacrificed himself. Before that he was an esteemed leader who took the Followers of Tempus from victory to victory.

Intellectual Characteristics

Military genius with a brilliantly strategic mind. Despite him being a master of combat he was also a well read and intelligent individual with a broad understanding of numerous subjects outwith the study of war.


Contacts & Relations

Led the Followers of Tempus beside Heliel Cadwell and Griegor Stonehand. Was close with his second in command, Tarin Newguard.
Remained in close contact with Volmar Proudmourn and maintained a strong relationship with his old contacts in The Royal Army

Religious Views

Follows the teachings of Tempus and was able to attain the rank of champion.
1428 SA 1468 SA 40 years old
Circumstances of Death
Sacrificed himself by entering the The Shadowfell in order to end The Convergance. Though he succeeded in bringing the crisis to an end, he never returned.
Light Blue
Long flowing brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light White
Aligned Organization
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