Aspect of Dual Momentum

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Dual Momentum have the ability to absorb and utilize their own potential energy to enhance their personal movement. This process of absorbing their own falling momentum and using it to push forward gives them the uncanny ability to seemly stand and walk on air, as well as create and manipulate air, including a process of solidifying through potential energy into solid air constructs.

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Improbable Agility: Due to the nature of how this Aspect gives its wielder better control over their own body and near-complete control over their momentum, wielders of this Aspect gain the ability to perform near impossible feats of sheet agility at varying points (requiring a roll of Dexterity + Improbable Agility), such as:
  • 2 - Being able to double jump without using the Galestep Core ability.
  • 3 - Making use of all walls as springboard points for maneuvers.
  • 4 - Making use of ceilings as temporary springboards for maneuvers
  • 5 - Making use of self-generated walls/ceilings as springboards for maneuvers as above, so long as there is at least 1 successful Intonation roll.

Background Abilities

  • Reduced Air resistance
  • Increased Lung capacity for high altitudes
  • Increased resilience against sudden directional change.
  • Increased sense of equilibrium (resistance to being dizzy)
  • Increased information processing (to account for high speed movement)

Celestial Cores

  • Cycle of Stillness and Motion

    Cycle of Stillness and Motion

    Cycle of Stillness and Motion
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to internally regulate their potential and motion energies to such a degree that they are able to absorb part or all of the energy used to fall from the gravity, absorb the motion of attacks meant to disrupt movement and also launch themselves at high speeds from a standstill.   When this is projected beyond one's own body, it can result in more disruptive attacks, powerful wind manipulation effects and also the absorption of energy from kinetic based attacks to a notable degree.
    Core Requirements
    Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO), Movero - Force of Motion and Trajectory (OOO)
    Core Type
  • Galestep


    This Core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to use their powers over their own momentum to maintain forward momentum while absorbing the momentum of gravity at set intervals, allowing them to jump, leap, walk, and run on air as if it were a solid surface. This also allows them, with advanced training, to treat the air as if it was a wall that they could run up or a ceiling that they could run along with no issues of. This also facilitates abilities that require a rhythmic method of using the cycle to generate the necessary energies to create the Aspectral Forms they desire.
    Core Requirements
    Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOOO), Movero - Force of Motion and Trajectory (OOOO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this power have skin in varying shades of purple. Depending on their 'racial' category, they can either have a purple hued wind surrounding them (Ao'maphra), purple feathers on their lower legs (Animaphra) or lighter purple freckles on their face, hands, and feet (Hyumaphra). When their powers activate and they become charged with energy, the part of themselves that absorbs and releases this energy (Wind/Feathers/Skin) glows in a lighter purple hue.

Node Locations

  The Nodes for this ability are behind both knees and on both sides of the neck.  

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Elent form are known as Glassweavers. Able to use their internalized duality of stillness and motion and project it outside themselves, they are able to condense and solidify the air itself into structures not unlike glass with a greater ease than most who have this Aspectral power. This outward projection, however, makes it harder to use their energies internally, as well as to be able to wield air without solidifying it, making it harder to maintain an Airwalk over greater distances without additional sources of energy to maintain them or without using projections of solid air to facilitate their movement.   Additional Core: Create/Manipulate Solid Air

Create/Manipulate Solid Air

Create/Manipulate Solid Air
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to compress and harden air into a solid form. This solid air has similar properties to glass in terms of sharpness but disperses back to air if broken down into chunks smaller than 3 cubic inches. While this is possible with other abilities involving Poteton and Air, this core reduces the ability to do so by a significant margin.
Core Requirements
Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOOO), Air Sphere (OOO)
Core Type
Linked to Duality

Myst Form & Abilities

Wielders of this Aspect with the Myst form are known as Highwalkers. With their  internal energies returning to equilibrium with greater rapidity, they are thus able to maintain their movement over great distances, traversing miles longer than the average wielder of this power without rest, making them extremely rare and valued. This also makes them extremely fast as they push their internal balance to the limit through rapid oscillation between the two extremes of their charged energy state and energy release state, which improves their prowess in close ranged combat considerably.   Additional Core: Jetstream Dash

Jetstream Dash

Jetstream Dash
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to move at a pace beyond the speed of sound, regardless of whether they are moving along the ground or in the air. When done with intention, the energy that would normally generate a sonic boom is converted into a Form of choice. They can move at this speed up to 3 times their normal run speed without penalties for all other actions.
Core Requirements
Movero - Force of Motion and Trajectory (OOOOO), Air Sphere (OOO)
Core Type
Linked to Duality

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Flou form are known as Galecrafters. By emphasizing the power of motion within them and expressing it outward within the air, Galecrafters are able to make use of the wind in their immediate vicinity, as well as their ability to Galestep, to be a major disruptive and damaging force on the battlefield, as they use their prowess over motion to create air blasts and flows, manipulate existing air currents, or enhance varying attacks with powerful gusts of wind to stop it.   Additional Core: Reap the Wind

Reap the Wind

Reap the Wind
This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to convert the energy within themselves into the movement of the wind, allowing them to temporarily harness and control the wind to a great degree. This can be done even while the wielder is airborne, though with a slightly higher difficulty (+1)
Core Requirements
Movero - Force of Motion and Trajectory (OOOO), Air Sphere (OOOO))
Core Type
Linked to Duality

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect with the Fatu form are known as SkySpeakers. Skyspeakers lose the ability to project their powers through other parts of their body outside of their breath and voice. As such, they have a more unique way of expressing their power: through sound. This allows them to sing windstorms, breath walls of Air-Glass, and vibrate objects in their hand with just their voice, making them exceptionally powerful.   Additional Core: Vibrasong


This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to harness power of sound, either through their voice or from outside sources (at a higher difficulty, +1) to manipulate the air (in both solid and wind forms) and to perform various direct attacks with Movement energy against their opponents.
Core Requirements
Movero - Force of Motion and Trajectory (OOOOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO), Air Sphere (OOO)
Core Type
Linked to Duality
Paragonic Origin Cataclysmic - Heaven's Fall   Control Schema Multiplex en Tandem - This occurs when the Aspect only allows the person to wield multiple forces one at a time in sequence.     Associated Nations/Peoples Winged Islanders   Associated Racial Categories   Mastery Focus Shaping Focused - This Aspect requires a strong control over base control over their power before they can even begin focusing on Sagesight and Sagecraft       Associated Elements


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