Aspect of Magnet Field

Base Abilities

  Wielders of the Aspect of Magnetic field have the ability to generate and manipulate magnetic fields for the purposes of manipulating ferrous metal, polarizing objects, creating force fields, and more. By generating, shaping and controlling these fields, they can further create powerful electric shocks, create elaborate traps, or manipulate technology remotely with enough fine-tuned detail.  

Celestial Imprint Ability

  • Magnetic Body (Magnus OOO): Wielders of this aspect can use their powers to polarize their body, allowing them to manipulate their positioning in proximity to metal. Players can roll Athletics + Magnetic body with a difficulty of 10 (-1 per point in Magnetic body) to stick to a wall with enough ferrous material, a difficulty of 11 (-1 per point) to pull themselves to said wall, and a difficulty of 13 (1- per point) to move themselves relative to ferrous material, allowing for a sort of pseudo-flight.

Background Abilities

  • The ability to see and feel magnetic fields.
  • Resistance to magnetic forces and lightning
  • With certain technology, can use force-fields they've generated as holographic projections.
  • Can bypass magnetic barriers bodily (not with weapons/items/clothing) with some resistance.

Celestial Cores

  • Generate/Shape Magne-field

    Generate/Shape Magne-field

    Generate/Shape Magne-field
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to be able to create and shape magnetic fields of a specific polarity of choice (positive/negative). These fields can be shaped with increasing complexity as the player gains more control over their magnetic power, and can be more easily changed into force-fields.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOO)
    Core Type

Outer Manifestation

  Wielders of this Aspect tend to have a minor magnetic field around their bodies at all times, causing ferrous metal objects to stick to their bodies when placed there as if placed against a magnetic board. This intensifies slightly when emotional, causing objects with ferrous metals to shift towards them slightly.

Node Locations

  Wielders of this Aspect tend to have their main nodes in the forearms of both arms (rarely one arm), and with sub-nodes in each temple.

Elent Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect who possess the Elent form of this power are known as Wyrmscalers. They innately emit powerful and hard magnetic force fields around their person when untrained. However, with training and focused techniques, Wyrmscalers are able to divide their generate forcefields into 'Scales', sharp and hard constructs of magnetic force that can be used offensively as blades or combined to create defensive barriers. These Scales can also be used to gather, store and convert ambient energies into magnetic energy which can be fired as electric attacks or as blasts of magnetic force.   Additional Nodes:
  • Divide Magne-field

    Divide Magne-Field

    Divide Magne-Field
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this Aspect to purposefully break their magne-field into 'Scales', carved shards of magnetic energy mixed with potential energy to maintain their shape and sharpness. The creation of these shards themselves can result in powerful effects if attuned properly, as the remaining energy of the shattered magne-field is no longer restricted by proximity to the wielder, allowing it to be reshaped or further infused into the scales themselves.
    Core Requirements
    Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 1
  • Control Scales

    Control Scales

    Control Scales
    This core represents the full control of all Scales generated by Divide Magne Field. This includes the absorption of ambient energy to power attacks in larger Scale formations, the releasing of extra individually stored energies within the Scales, formations of Scale arrangements used for offense or defense, or even (with advanced training) the dispersal or full conversion of the Scales to Ambient or Potential energies.
    Core Requirements
    Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked 2
-Generate/Shape Magne-field can only form a Magne-field around the wielder which automatically functions as a powerful force-field.

Myst Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect who possess the Myst form of this power are known as Polaritizers. They have a balanced approach to wielding their powers between their potential and magnetic energies, and use their powers to infuse objects with magnetic energy to polarize them, holding and releasing the energy suddenly to generate lightning between objects, as well as using the polarization to cause objects to be drawn strongly towards each other, or strongly repel each other.
  • Polarize Object

    Polarize Object

    Polarize Object
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to infuse an object with magnetic energy of a polarity temporarily through potential energy. This allows for a magnetic attraction or repulsion with other objects containing a polarity charge, and additionally can serve as a source of larger magnetic fields under the wielder's control, even if it is not a ferrous metal.
    Core Requirements
    Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality
  • Balance Polarization

    Balance Polarization

    Balance Polarization
    This core represents the ability for the wielder of this power to balance out the temporary charges between objects by generating lightning in the space between them. The wielder of this power can also manipulate the generated lightning to great effect, allowing the energy to linger in various shapes and/or forms for a few rounds after its generation with additional focus and energy.
    Core Requirements
    Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOOOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOO)
    Core Type

Flou Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect who possess the Flou form of this power are known as Iron Dusters. They have a stronger affiliation with magnetic forces as opposed to potential forces, allowing them to more easily manipulate ferrous metals through their finer control over their magne-fields. As such, they tend to have a limited awareness of ferrous metals around them through their ability to sense magnetic force, and use this to their advantage in any environment.   Additional Node:  
  • Magnetize Ferrous Metal

    Magnetize Ferrous Metal

    Magnetize Ferrous Metal
    This core represents the ability for the wielder to temporarily magnetize and therefore manipulate ferrous metals through magnetism. With enough power and control this can be used not only to manipulate their movement, but also their shape and form, though they are unable to create complex shapes through this method. They can, however, use this power to disperse ferrous metals into particulates for greater control.
    Core Requirements
    Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOO), Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality
  • Catalyze Metal

    Catalyze Metal

    Catalyze Metal
    This core represents the ability to heavily infuse ferrous metal with magnetic energy of both polarities, resulting in a fully and permanently magnetized object. This object can be used as a focusing catalyst for the manipulation and strengthening of magnetic fields, force fields, etc created with the Generate/Shape Magne-field Core. In addition, this catalyzed object's shape can be manipulated into complex shapes with extreme focus, effort, energy and time. Lastly, this magnetization process can be applied to non-ferrous metals, but with greatly increased difficulty.
    Core Requirements
    Celestial Sphere (OOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OOOOO)
    Core Type
    Linked to Duality

Fatu Form & Abilities

  Wielders of this Aspect who possess the Fatu form of this power are known as Magne-saboteurs. They have a stronger affiliation with Potential energy, using this power to prepare, manipulate, and detonate pre-shaped and inert magnetic fields, sometimes in complex formations. They require a physical medium to touch to prepare these inert fields, but once created they can move these hidden fields into other objects with a physical connection before detonation. They can also hide and release these fields within themselves or objects on their person. It is therefore difficult to sense these prepared-but-inert fields without a connection to either the Magne or Poteton forces.   Additional Nodes:
  • Generate Inert Magne-field (replace Generate/Shape Magne-field)

    Generate Inert Magne-Field

    Generate Inert Magne-Field
    This core represents the ability to create an inert form of a magne-field within an object touched, and in the preparation determine the form that it takes upon release. This inert magne-field can be moved through and into objects which are also connected through a physical medium, but requires additional concentration and focus if the medium is liquid to prevent dissipation, and cannot be placed in a gaseous medium. The form that this ability takes can be changed pre-activation with additional focus. With additional difficulty, two different Inert fields of opposing polarities can be combined into one to convert the resulting Magne-field into a lightning generating form. Such an inert field is more likely to be noticed and is more easily dispersed in water.
    Core Requirements
    Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation (OOOO), Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity (OO)
    Core Type
  • Activate/Manipulate Inert Magne-field

    Activate/Manipulate Inert Magne-Field

    Activate/Manipulate Inert Magne-Field
    This core represents the activation of inert magne-fields generated by the player, and manipulation of the resulting energies towards their own ends. This can be used to harness magne-fields as would normally be done with the Generate/Shape Magne-field core, or can be used specifically to sap and/or disrupt technological items with focus, skill and intention.
    Core Requirements
    Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity , Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation
    Core Type
Cannot generate or control inert Magne-fields without touching a surface to which they are physically connected.
Paragonic Origin Madreyma Naey'k   Control Schema   Multiplex en Simult - This occurs when the Aspect only allows the person to wield multiple elements simultaneously.   Associated Nations/Peoples The Principalities of Ney'kduria   Associated Racial Categories Ao'Maphra  Lacrimaphra    Mastery Focus   Sagecraft Leaning - This Aspect requires knowledge of the use of Glimpse and basic use of Sagecraft to more fully control their powers. Once learned, more focused shaping is necessary for mastery over their abilities.     Associated Elements Magnus - Force of Magnetism and Polarity 
Poteton - Force of Potential and Accumulation


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