Class Categories {Summary}


In the Celestient universe, though there may be many classes related to occupation, societal role, and the special secret techniques passed down within them, all classes can be broken down into 1 or more class categories, which help define the roles they take when in battle against enemies both individually and in group settings.


The following is a brief summary of the 6 categories that determine the roles of any class.  

Auxiliary Classes

Auxiliary classes are classes which in one way or another provide supportive buffs to themselves and/or their allies, as well as protective shields, healing, and other supportive elements. They can also provide indirect damage through these methods, such as explosive shields and damaging auras. For defense, Auxiliary takes one of two paths: Push through with strong heals/shields, or with strong defensive structures that take the damage for them.  

Control Classes

Control classes are classes which focus on debuffing the enemy and providing crowd control and disruptive elements. Instead of doing direct damage, control classes tend to deal damage over time effects such as poisons or bleed effects while performing their disruptive roles. For defense, their crowd control provides a strong cover for themselves or their allies, but when push comes to shove they tend to borrow other methods of defense or evasion.  

Agility Classes

Agility classes are classes which focus on high single target damage, and which tend to focus on speedily picking them off with focused attacks then with attacking larger groups of enemies. Defensively, they also use their skills to avoid taking damage rather than defend against large attacks.  

Bulwark Classes

Bulwark classes are classes which focus on high defenses and moderate damage, steadily dealing damage while being able to absorb a lot more. Bulwark classes tend to push through the damage enemies deal to dish out their own rather than avoiding it.  

Skirmish Classes

Skirmish classes are classes which focus on high damage and moderate defense. They tend to deal strong attacks and counterattacks, and prefer to be in the fray of battle, using a combination of resilience and well-timed counterattacks and shields to avoid damage.  

Ordynence Classes

Ordynence classes are classes which focus on dealing damage to large groups of enemies. They tend to deal a large amount of damage, or spread the effects of their damage over a large area, resulting in a plethora of devastating effects. They also use their abilities for mass disruption, and tend to employ trickery in order to avoid taking damage.  


Most classes in the Celestient Universe have a primary, secondary, and maybe even tertiary category under which they fall from the list above. The primary category is usually the category they most align with, and which role they are more likely to fall into when in a group setting. The secondary role is a role that they can take when in smaller groups and/or by themselves due to having skills that fall within that category, and any tertiary classes are usually bonuses related to their skills.   Examples: Agility style classes always are primarily single target damage dealers. However, their secondary class can determine how resilient they can be, as well as what other role they can perform. An Agility Bulwark can temporarily guard against higher damage attacks, but when they attack they mostly deal single target damage. An Agility Ordynence, however, either does AoE ranged attacks and single target melee attacks or vice versa, and tends to be rather fragile. Regardless of the secondary class, however, the tertiary class category provides insight into the nature of their abilities. If an Agility class has a Tertiary class category of Ordynence, their single target attacks have the ability to spread to more enemies. If it is Control, their abilities have additional debilitating or damage over time effects.


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