Campaign 2: Session 31 - In for a Penny, in for Two Hands

Rewards Granted

  • Participation: 100XP
  • Damage: 173XP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Kills: 65XP
  • Encounter: 600XP
  • Enemies: 857XP
  • Total: 2095XP
Tedduch Stoutman
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 60XP
  • Damage: 110XP
  • Encounter: 750XP
  • Enemies: 857XP
  • Kills: 1XP
  • Total: 1878XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Encounter: 600XP
  • Kills: 180XP
  • Enemies: 857XP
  • Total: 1737XP
Orville Wepple
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 60XP
  • Total: 160XP

Missions/Quests Completed

17th Spriarjeń 269 5E   As the arena melee proceeds, The Wretch and Zi continue to cut a bloody hole through the the last fighters. The Wretch sprays acid at one, whilst Zi swoops down on another. Zi hacks down through her enemies axe and then through their wrist as well, severing the hand from the man's wrist before driving their blade into the man's head. They do not die in thanks due to their helmet, but they are severely concussed.   Elsewhere, Pawel engages two more foes single handedly, whilst two Giants fight against one another, and a Dwarf and Fagan fight a bloody single combat to the death, all four having been severely wounded by their foes.   From the crowds, Orville watches with glee as his protege Milo launches javelins in all directions. He goes to place bets with a woman in the crowd and tries to convince her to bet on Milo, but she is besides herself with grief mourning the loss of her partner who was incinerated by The Wretch.   In her grief and irritated by Orville, she lashes out with a dagger and chops off the tip of his ear, forcing him to recoil and be thrown around the crowd.   Down in the arena, Milo throws a javelin at Pawel, who catches it, throws it back and impales him with it, killing the former ticket vendor instantly, as Orville can only watch helplessly and in horror.   After a short altercation, Zi hacks the other hand of their opponent and launches their body into the stand. Overwhelmed in her grief and overcome by the roaring crowds, the woman that had only just chopped away a piece of Orville's ear gets up to leave. The body of the thug soars over the stunned audience before hitting the woman who just lost her husband.   Meanwhile, two roaring Giants move in an arc around one another, the larger of the two slamming a club down in all different directions, as his foe darts left and right, elegantly swinging left and right with his two scythes. The larger Giant launches a ferocious blow down at his enemy, and the smaller Giant takes his chance, ducking to one side before severing the tendons at the back of his leg. As the larger Giant roars he falls down to one leg and with his second scythe, the smaller Giant jams it into the back of his opponent's neck, killing him.   Across the battlefield, an armoured Dwarf engages in his brutal single combat with the Fagan warrior. The Fagan gets the upper hand and sweeps the Dwarf's feet out from under him. He slams his hammer down towards the Dwarf, but at the last moment, the Dwarf rolls away, and swings his axe to smack the hammer from the Fagan's hand. The Dwarf then scrambles to his feet, smashing his axe into the Fagan's stomach, and then killing him with an upper-cut into the Fagan's jaw as they keel over.   As Zi and The Wretch reach their companion, Pawel stuns his foes and moves to face the Giant whilst Zi and The Wretch are left to engage his enemies. Pawel jumps on the Giant's arm as quickly as he fells his larger foe, and he launches himself up at the Giant's head. He strikes first at his head, and then descends down the Giant's back, launching a series of strikes around the Giant's spine, enough hits to leave them stunned and powerless.   As the Giant is stunned, Zi flies across from their fight, and dives blade first in the Giant's stomach, sending it keeling backwards and falling on their back desperately trying to hold his entrails in place. The Wretch in turn, walks over and slips a blade into it's neck, killing it.   By this time, the Dwarven berserker had arrived to join the fray, but already wounded and caught in an engagement with three friends, he poses little threat and is quickly dispatched. With this done, the melee reaches it's final stage, with only Zi, The Wretch, and Pawel left standing.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
24 Apr 2024
Primary Location
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