Campaign 2: Session 32 - Subterranean Orgy

Rewards Granted

Tedduch Stoutman
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Damage: 14XP
  • Healing: 45XP
  • Skills: 570XP
  • Total: 729XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Intercourse: 240seXP
  • Skills: 120XP
  • Study: 30XP
  • Total: 490XP
The Wretch
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Bonus XP: 100XP
  • Damage: 73XP
  • Enemies: 500XP
  • Skills: 90XP
  • Total: 863XP
  • Attendance: 100XP
  • Damage: 282XP
  • Enemies: 1100XP
  • Kills: 100XP
  • Intercourse: 210seXP
  • MVP: 300XP
  • Total: 2092XP

Missions/Quests Completed

17th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   With battle whittled down to the final three combatants, Zi, The Wretch and Pawel fight amongst themselves.   Zi and The Wretch work together to engage Pawel, and are effective in encircling him and besting him hit by hit. Pawel was fast and worked to make distance between himself and his opponents, but eventually Zi would swoop down onto him, knocking him from his feet and forcing him to yield. Pawel would walk away from his two foes and leave them to fight.   With these last two left to fight, The Wretch and Zi engage in one last duel, during which The Wretch's head injury opens up again, leaving blood pouring down his head, and both are brutally bloodied by all the violence from which they had been a part.   Thalmun, enthusiastic to see his favoured weapon put to use, uses Magic to conjure a magical hand and pass a jar of fuel for the flame-thrower down to The Wretch, the jar bobbing down and bumping into the heads of various members of the crowd. Fortunately for Thalmun, he is able to ensure he remains unseen by the guards of the stadium.   The Wretch receives the fuel but does not use it. Instead it is used against him as in the course of Zi's onslaught, their weaponry ignites the fuel, shattering the ceramic and causing both of them to be hurt by the exploding shrapnel. Taking advantage of the explosion, Zi is eventually able to get the better of her opponent and knock them unconscious.   The crowd goes silent as they watch the fight draw to a close, and when Pawel drops to a knee, yielding and confirming Zi's victory, the crowd roars their ascent and praises Zi's victory, leaving them walking away on an absolute high.   From the stands, Teddy is being dragged through the passage down out of the arena, but before Teddy can be dragged away, Teddy lets out a loud cheer at seeing his friend victorious.   As they walk victoriously from the stadium, Zi flirts with Pawel a little as they make their way towards the subterranean level to change.   Prior to being kicked out of the stadium, Teddy convinces the guards to let him go and get his winnings by offering the one he was speaking to ten gold, and his companions five. The guard agrees and though the guards prove to be very forgetful and disoriented, the guard agrees to help him.   The guards take him back into the Stadium and there to a private segment of the winnings booth where Teddy is awarded two thousand two hundred and fifty gold.   Teddy then makes their way down to the subterranean level where they find The Wretch recovering from their wounds and receiving the ire of the other fighters who seem much more impressed by Zi, whereas they treat The Wretch with abject disdain.   Teddy then spots a man with a boar's head and curiously moves to see what is happening with them. He reaches them just as they wake up and leap to their feet as if still in combat.   The two talk and Ino explains how his boar's mask is only a mask and reveals his more beautiful face. He then talks about the Garuda that knocked him out and when Teddy explains who they were he goes to find them.   Ino opens a door and finds Zi having sex with Pawel. After taking time to work out what is going on, he would get naked and participate, whilst Teddy closes the door to give them their privacy.   Pawel finishes his time after only three minutes, overwhelmed by the way that Ino uses his tusks, and Pawel walks away from the room with saddle-sores. Meanwhile, Zi and Ino continue their time together for a total of eight minutes.   Elsewhere, Thalmun Burrowale sneaks onto the pitch to recover the pieces of the shattered ceramic fuel jar.   When their time together is done, all of the party make their way outside and begin the journey back to Honorow Orphanage. The group are escorted to a carriage by Rosa and begin the journey to the overpass.   Along the way, a number of unsavoury individuals attempt to follow the carriage, and Teddy dissuades them by firing a gold coin into the eye of one of the thugs, prompting another to turn on them and stomp on their head to steal the coin.   The carriage eventually gets to Honorow Orphanage where Romulus angrily scolds The Wretch for fighting and takes him away for medical treatment.   Zi, Awenir, Rosa, Teddy, and Dobrogost all gather to dine and drink together in the dining room. Thalmun finds a quiet space to work on his studies, and is elated when Romulus finds him and introduces him to his private workshop.   From there, Thalmun begins the effort of studying how to implement a reloading mechanism for the group's heavy kinetic cannon.   Meanwhile in the dining room, Rosa leaves and Teddy feels prompted to follow. The two make their way from the orphanage to a scrap yard where they flirt and engage in a contest to throw various projectiles to knock stones from a wall.   Teddy is able to gain an upper hand and is rewarded with a kiss from Rosa. The two make out for a while and Rosa bites Teddy's tongue, which he seems to enjoy. Rosa however insists upon Teddy having to talk with Awenir, and then leaves him in the scrap yard.
Report Date
02 May 2024
Primary Location