Campaign 2: Session 39 - The Chatty Accountant

Rewards Granted

The Wretch
  • Damage: 56XP
  • Encounter: 117XP
  • Enemies: 1877XP
  • Kills: 635XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 240XP
  • MVP: 350XP
  • Total: 3375XP
Tedduch Stoutman
  • Damage: 60XP
  • Encounter: 117XP
  • Enemies: 1877XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: 60XP
  • Total: 2214XP
Thalmun Burrowale
  • Damage: 112XP
  • Enemies: 1877XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Skills: -60XP
  • Study: 30XP
  • Total: 2059XP
  • Participation: 100XP
  • Bonus XP: 60XP

Missions/Quests Completed

19th SpriarjeÅ„ 269 5E   With Kinnoch pinned down on the ground and pressed by the party. The group search Kinnoch and steal the ledger that dictates many of the Blight's operations.   Within Kjartan's ledger, The Wretch finds evidence that Honorow Orphanage is paying protection money to Kjartan and that the Blight are running a legitimate carriage rental business, a business that they realise they have seen operating around the city.   Under duress and still under the influence of Volatin, Kinnoch then takes the group to the armour factory being run by Kjartan.   Once the group find themselves within range of Kjartan's factory, the group are left to decide what to do with Kinnoch. Kinnoch has up to this point been very forthright with his information, likely due to the influence of the Volatin in his system. When asked, Kinnoch admits that he would try to warn the Blight about them as a petty revenge if he got the opportunity, though he doubts he would get that opportunity and honestly does not feel all that invested.   Not willing to take any risks however, The Wretch drives a burning sword through the Gnomes back, killing them instantly.   With this matter settled, the group devise a plan to attack Kjartan's factory. As they begin to prepare themselves and move in small units to scope out the complex, they recall Audrey Wepple and Awenir to defend Honorow Orphanage whilst they call for Ataksak and The Pompous Goblin to join them.   They then begin the execution of their plan. They send Zi to air-drop The Pompous Goblin on top of the stables with the intention to set them aflame and spread chaos. Ataksak would then storm over the walls and attack the mobsters that were gathered by the chaos.   Meanwhile, as mobsters are drawn to the northern side of the factory, Rosa, Tedduch Stoutman, The Wretch, and Thalmun Burrowale begin the effort to sneak into the factory from the south. The group attempt to enter the complex from an area where the fence has been weakened by a growing bog and they attempt to jump over behind the cover of the trees.   This infiltration is undermined as Thalmun stumbles and crashes loudly like a big rock into the water. This draws the attention of the mobsters that remained on the south side and as they walk towards the bog, The Wretch climbs the fence further down and attacks them from behind.   A fight breaks out in which Thalmun uses his heavy-kinetic cannon to brutally burn multiple thugs and the group make short work of them. However, in the process of this they draw the attention of a Stone Golem tasked with the movement of heavy resources. One of the mobsters yells at the Stone Golem ordering them to attack and try as The Wretch might he can not sway the Golem to do otherwise.   Rosa and Teddy both attempt to land damage on the Golem but their weapons prove ineffective against its hardened exterior. Eventually however with an array of enchanted weaponry, Magic and sheer force, the group manage to dismantle and bring the Golem to crumble.   In the heat of battle however, they are not fast enough to fight their way past the Golem and prevent the defenders inside of the factory from sealing it off and closing off the cart track with a heavy laden portcullis.
Report Date
13 Jul 2024
Primary Location
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