Kostantin Tique

A Half-Fagan with dubious origins who briefly acted as a vigilante in the city of Arkeluw prior to his murder.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

21st Garundarjeń 85 5E   Kostantin Tique is born the son of Broadne Tique and an unknown woman.   15th Owczijenijeń 188 5E   In order to build a better life for himself and his son, Broadne Tique relocates to the city of Arkeluw and there opens a workshop in order to sell clockworks to the people of the city.   Over time, Broadne's business which he named "Tique's Tocks" became a thriving success, and eventually in collaboration with the Countess of Arkeluw, the clock-tower Tique's Tock's Tower is commissioned and constructed in the city's market district.   Broadne Tique consequently grows to be very wealthy and a well-respected member of Arkeluw high society, albeit always being looked down upon for his heritage. Kostantin Tique faced a similar prejudice, and in turn developed a sense of solidarity with the common people of the city and a desire to develop true social justice regardless of class, creed, or colour.   Kostantin began to read about politics, history and philosophy, as well as taking time to learn about and develop his abilities for magic. He integrated his knowledge of clockwork into his spellcasting to create a very meticulous and unique form of magic.   8th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Kostantin's life changed when as a young man he took the time to run an errand for his father, repairing a grandfather clock in the Rowinícu Smitikowa of Arkeluw. Here he met the savage barbarian Ino, the Rakshasa Warlock Anpu Winkybits, the Gnome city guide Sarlaren, the mysterious humanoid Ackio, and the Wayfarer Yahn  He overhears their conversation and discovers that they are investigating the Crimson Dawn, a cult active in Arkeluw responsible for a series of deaths. Kostantin is thrilled with the opportunity to serve his community, and is inspired to help the group. He pleads with the group to take him along and they agree to join him.   The group seek out a cultist of the Crimson Dawn arrested by the Orekun following the Arkeluw Meteor Strike. They ascend the steps towards Brana Anatolya and there they bribe a guard to let them enter the Deep and visit the cultist.   Kostantin would speak to the cultist whose name was Nadir and would convince him to enter them into his confidence if they only help him escape from the Deep. The party talk amongst themselves and agree to stage a prison break.   With little time or preparation, Kostantin uses his magic to shield himself and his companions before igniting an explosion which kills the three guards following them. They then move to escape with Nadir but are pursued by multiple guards.   Nadir flees in the confusion and as the torches are snuffed out in the chaos, the large and intimidating Bauk emerge from the shadows and tear Nadir and multiple guards to pieces.   Now trapped inside, their actions known to the guards, the party decide to escape as part of a prison riot. Kostantin dreams that he might free the prisoners from their captivity, freeing them from their barbaric treatment and taking them to a place where they can be reformed and redeemed in more ethical confinement.   Their plot turns to a flood of inmates as they fight their way through the deep and past the insidious Bauk. Kostantin finds himself fighting alongside a number of formidable inmates including the hulking Human Ludo, the cunning Dwarf Greinn, the cynical Human Anara, and a particularly malnourished and enthusiastic prisoner who successfully survives many brutal skirmishes whom they nickname "Snowflake".   The group break through a guard's strongpoint and clear a portcullis from where they begin to ascend from the Deep to freedom. Once they emerge back into Brana Anatolya however, they find that the guards had been made aware of their riot, and had gathered their forces around the entrance of the Deep.   The prisoners launch a futile assault to fight their way free of the fortress, they make it half-way to the gate before they are flanked and then surrounded by their foes. Kostantin is horrified as he watches Snowflake filled with arrows and slain, he watches as behind him the stairs from the Deep give way, sending countless inmates plummeting to brutal injury and death.    In the heat of the battle, Captain Symon Storme stands on the battlements of the fortress and calls for the fighting to stop, threatening to kill Cowabunga Peppermill (a friend and companion of Anpu Winkybits and Ackio) if they do not concede. Seeing little option and determined to spare his friends, Kostantin stands down.   He and the other ring-leaders of what would later be called the Skrabarjeń Prison Riot are dragged through the streets by the Rosztety and taken to Branek Arkenanka. Here he is locked in an anti-magic cell and left to await trial.   9th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Kostantin is brought from his cell and is brought before his father Broadne Tique. His father is devastated to see what his son has done and is exasperated with his political naivety and reckless behaviour.   He tells Kostantin that he has spoken with Borys Arkenank and has made arrangements for Kostantin to be granted a pardon if he confesses his crimes and keeps silent during his trial. Kostantin struggles with this but seeing how sad and afraid his father is, he agrees to do so.   10th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Come the day of the trial, Borys Arkenank, Keeper Nedim, and Iona Arkenank preside over the trial. The various ring-leaders of the prison riot make their own case and state their defence (with the exception of Ino who opts for a trial by combat). Kostantin alone refuses to speak in his own defence.   Come the end of the trial, the tribunal were called on to make a judgement and it was decided by a majority of two to one that all of them (including Kostantin) would be executed for their crimes.   That night however, he would be dragged from his cell and brought to the dock beneath Branek Arkenanka, here Iona Arkenank would offer him and his companions a chance at life if they agree to work for her to investigate the Crimson Dawn.   The group agree, but Iona Arkenank insists that each of them must be branded for their crimes. The group consent and all are given their marks, but Kostantin is driven by fear and he uses his magic to push through the power of his anti-magic manacles and teleport into the Rewa Ojo.   He is weighed down by his weights and manacles and forced to push against the river's current. He barely survives and almost drowns, but he eventually makes it far enough from the castle and pulls himself up onto the rocks where he falls unconscious in a state of exhaustion.   11th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Kostantin would be found curled up on the rocks of the cliff by fishermen who take him back towards the Dewóna Targeta. He believes that they are trying to rescue him, but in fact they hope to return him Branek Arkenanka in order to receive a bounty.   Despite the efforts of the fishermen however, Ino, Anpu Winkybits and Yahn catch up with the boat and a skirmish ensues. The three fight their way towards them, and the fishermen think it smarter to kill Kostantin before he might make an escape and claim the bounty for his corpse.   They stab him repeatedly in the stomach while he tries to free himself from the netting they had trapped him in. His friends manage to reach him before the fishermen can flee down river, but are too late to save his life and find his corpse dead in the boat.    20th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   On the day of his own funeral, Anpu Winkybits uses her magic to draw Kostantin back from death one last time, allowing his father a final moment to ask him questions. His father checked that he was well, and asked if he knew that he was proud of him. Kostantin told his father that he did and that he was okay.   Following this last conversation, Kostantin's body was interred in the Hall of Faces beneath the Mission of the Seventh Acolyte in Arkeluw.
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