Walerija Mulkwast

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mental characteristics

Personal history

32nd Spriarjeń 220 5E   Walerija gives birth to a daughter, but tragically loses her life in the process. Overwhelmed by grief, Wlad Mulkwast names his newborn daughter Walerija in memory of her mother. Young Walerija is raised by her father and her uncle Dimitri Mulkwast. Her education is comprehensive, encompassing combat training, history, philosophy, literacy, and a wide array of subjects. She grows into a well-rounded and knowledgeable individual.   As her father enters a new chapter of his life with Maria, Walerija gains an appreciation for botany and the natural world. Although the corruption of her father's Vampiric nature makes it challenging, she fosters a deep love for plants and their beauty. Her connection with them becomes a way to counteract the darkness that Vampirism brings.   With time, Walerija also inherits her father's Vampiric gift. She delves into magical studies to ensure the survival of her beloved plants despite the curse that afflicts her. This leads to her developing a unique bond with the flora, allowing her to communicate with and control them.   Her father shares tales of an ominous threat emerging in the eastern continent of Pauros, the same force that once abducted him and took her grandparents' lives. When he sets out to confront this malevolent power, Walerija joins him. Their journey takes them across Vilia, where they gather allies and insights about the land's inhabitants.   Returning to Mulkwast Manor, Wlad Mulkwast devises a meticulous plan. He entices unsuspecting adventurers to their estate, luring them with promises of mercenary opportunities. These newcomers are thrown into a series of perilous trials to evaluate their skills and characters, determining their suitability to inherit the transformative power of a Vampire. Walerija becomes an invaluable aid to her father, deeply involved in the process and earning his complete trust.   Within the mansion's halls, she establishes a botanical haven. This sanctuary houses an intricate arrangement of vegetation, featuring intertwined roots and towering, gnarled trees that stretch towards the skylight, a testament to her dedication and connection to the natural world.   1st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Utilising her profound magical abilities and her deep connection to the flora of Mulkwast Manor, Walerija orchestrates an intricate trap to ensnare a group of adventurers. She strategically places an enchanted cowl as bait, which captures the attention of the Goblin barbarian Buggy. This enchanted cowl enables Buggy to communicate with the plants just as she does, intertwining their fates.   As the adventurers take the bait and approach her lair, the cowl's insidious power takes hold of Buggy's mind. The cowl's corrupting influence warps his thoughts and bends him to Walerija's will. Under the cowl's sway, Buggy turns against his companions, aiding Walerija Mulkwast in overpowering Anpu Winkybits, Neya, and Feta Coffeebean.   However, this group of adventurers proves more tumultuous and unpredictable than their predecessors. Their journey through the trials has left a trail of destruction in its wake, culminating in the complete devastation of Mulkwast Manor. The chaos caused Wlad Mulkwast, her father, to retreat into the shadows, leaving the home they once knew in ruins.   With Mulkwast Manor destroyed and her refuge lost, Walerija Mulkwast has no choice but to abandon her ancestral home.   3rd Skrabarjeń 269 5E  
  Following the ruin of Mulkwast Manor, the Konstat expedition's arrival at the wreckage revealed a crucial truth: the Mulkwast family, esteemed members of the Sixth Circle, were, in fact, Vampires. This revelation marked a turning point for Wlad and his daughter Walerija, prompting them to adopt new personas and embark on a fresh journey.   Turning their attention towards The Radana Storme Institute, a psychiatric institution linked to the respected Storme family of the Sixth Circle, Wlad and Walerija embraced new identities. Wlad assumed the role of Doctor Walmdas Kluw, a traveling psychiatrist, while Walerija became Nadia Storme, the long-lost daughter of Warden Petro Storme, who had disappeared years ago, abducted by the Kraven tribe. Accompanied by two fellow Vampires, who assumed the roles of Doctor Wiliam Wosow and Doctor Redna Hennigar, they embraced this new phase of their lives.   Nadia Storme's return to her father's side was met with warm receptions, her supposed rescue by Doctor Walmdas and his associates greatly appreciated by Warden Petro Storme. In gratitude, he offered them positions at The Radana Storme Institute, where all three took up roles as psychiatrists. Doctor Walmdas Kluw emerged as a prominent figure, leading the institute's psychiatric endeavors.   Nadia found solace in the sheltered realm of the botanical gardens, which she restricted to those under Doctor Walmdas' sway. Her evenings were spent in the company of Warden Petro Storme, further solidifying their bond and tightening the grip of her influence over him. Though Sylwester, a servant, saw through her facade, she managed to manipulate him into believing her presence was a boon for Warden Petro Storme's well-being. This deceit secured her position even as her true nature remained hidden.   8th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   In utmost secrecy, Walerija Mulkwast embarked on a clandestine expedition, accompanied by her father Wlad Mulkwast, along with Doctor Wiliam Wosow and Doctor Redna Hennigar. This covert quartet ventured beyond the confines of The Radana Storme Institute. United with their coven members, they then retraced their steps to the ruins of Mulkwast Manor.   Within the remains of that ill-fated place, they retrieved the lifeless body of Feta Coffeebean, her destiny forever transformed by their vampiric nature. Through a fusion of arcane energies and intent, they infused her with new life, shaping her existence into that of a Vampire. Embraced by the shadows, Feta Coffeebean emerged as a reborn member of their coven.   While her biological father returned to The Radana Storme Institute with Doctor Wiliam Wosow and Doctor Redna Hennigar, Walerija took Feta Coffeebean to the city of Arkeluw. There, she secured her a secluded sanctuary at the Cliff's View Hotel, allowing her the necessary time and space to adapt to her newfound powers.   18th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   In a covert departure from The Radana Storme Institute, Walerija Mulkwast journeys to Arkeluw. There, she reunites with Feta Coffeebean, offering guidance on how to quench her newfound vampiric thirst. Walerija suggests that they target individuals who deserve retribution, given the city's rampant crime and corruption. She also proposes the possibility of acquiring blood from the black market if needed.   Together, they venture into the city, aiding Feta Coffeebean in locating her friend Anpu Winkybits and her newfound allies.   19th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   The so-called "Nadia Storme" accompanies her father Warden Petro Storme to the funeral of Doctor Jelena.   24th Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Lokanth Wursor enters the deteriorated botanical garden and discovers a cluster of Nightshade flowers. As he begins to craft poison from them, Nadia Storme approaches, intrigued by his intentions. After learning of his plan, she offers to join him, and he accepts her company. Together, they depart from the Botanical Gardens.   Lokanth, transformed into a bear, storms into Storme Manor, where he finds Warden Petro Storme amidst a grim scene of zombies tied to chairs. The dying servant Sylwester lies neglected nearby. With pity and shame, Nadia observes the situation as they continue their path. Eventually, they reach the library, encountering the lifeless followers of Sir Bellinor and the dying Sir Bellinor himself, marked by vampiric wounds. Lokanth takes action, ending Sir Bellinor's life by tearing out his heart, while Doctor Walmdas watches with complex emotions.   Confronted by Lokanth, Doctor Walmdas acknowledges the failure of his experiment and expresses regret for the consequences. When Lokanth attacks in a burst of anger, Doctor Walmdas skillfully dodges and subdues him. Amid their clash, Doctor Walmdas prepares to deliver a fatal strike, only for Nadia Storme to intervene, revealing her connection to him as a daughter and urging him to cease the violence. A fierce battle then unfolds between Doctor Walmdas and his daughter Nadia.   As the struggle ensues, Sister Prudence arrives and witnesses the confrontation. The situation escalates further as Doctor Walmdas succumbs to Sister Prudence's poison trap. Doctor Ada arrives to witness his vanishing into the shadows. In the ensuing chaos, Sister Prudence succumbs to the poison and loss of blood. Amid the turmoil, Nadia Storme seizes the opportunity to escape from The Radana Storme Institute.   1st Spriarjeń 269 5E   Walerija and Wlad Mulkwast infiltrate the Mission of the Seventh Acolyte and salvage Sister Prudence from her place of rest. There they transform her into her new Vampiric form, ready to join them on their quest.