The Last Storme: Session 6 - The Invisible Stranger

Missions/Quests Completed

22nd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Deciding on a strategy for escaping the maximum security cell block, Lokanth Wursor concludes that he must wait within Lenni's cell to replenish his magical energy. An hour later, an enigmatic figure appears at Lenni's cell door, and Lenni appears to surprised to find them there. However, their interaction is abruptly disrupted by a sudden eruption of brilliant light and the sound of a minor explosion. Lokanth manages to shield himself from the blast, enduring only minor burns. Tragically, Lenni bears the full brunt of the magical blast, losing his life instantly.   Reacting quickly, Russell Tideborn endeavors to render himself invisible and chase after the mysterious intruder. Yet, a potent magical force unleashed by the stranger compels him to halt his pursuit. In another part of the cell block, guards rush towards Lenni's cell. Seizing an opportunity to escape, Lokanth transforms into a spider to slip away. The guards hasten to secure the cell block, unaware of the invisible Russell positioned within the corridor.   Meanwhile, having heard the explosive noise, Sister Prudence turns herself invisible to investigate. She maneuvers to a vantage point overlooking the Mess Hall hallway and witnesses the hooded individual leaving the cell block. Mistaking this figure for Lokanth, she decides to trail them discreetly. Russell eludes the grasp of the guards and flees the cell block, inadvertently bumping into the unseen Sister Prudence as he makes his escape.   The guards emerge from the cell, running into Sister Prudence, and mistakenly believe her to be the invisible intruder responsible for Lenni's death. Without having sighted the actual murderer, they assume she is the culprit and resort to brutal violence, leaving her unconscious. Meanwhile, Russell maintains his invisibility, joining the guards downstairs in pursuit of the hooded assailant. However, presuming the situation is under control, he covertly slips away to hide in the room of a different janitor. Finding the janitor sleeping, Russell gains permission to stay, thanks to the janitor's loneliness.   Observing the guards as they escort Sister Prudence to the Wild Magic Cells, Lokanth Wursor resumes his stealthy observation. He shadows the guards as they bring Sister Prudence to her temporary confinement. Subsequently, he returns to his own cabin, only to discover that he's being watched by The Groundskeeper, who appears to be waiting at his door, seemingly daring him to venture outside.   21st Skrabarjeń 269 5E   In a sudden, violent turn of events, Ajax Wursor springs into action, attacking Captain Myron as he arrives for a meeting he believes is with Doctor Walmdas Kluw. The confrontation is savage and brutal, as both combatants unleash severe damage upon each other. The clash reaches a crescendo when Ajax's unrestrained ferocity leads him to lash out, ripping Captain Myron in two with his savage claws.   Amidst the aftermath of the intense battle, Ajax is discovered in the storage room, his body drenched in blood and his breathing labored. Doctor Wiliam Wosow emerges, praising Ajax's actions and suggesting that Captain Myron had been consumed by years of conflict with the patients, descending into a state of bitterness and paranoia. Dr. Wosow assures Ajax that he now has the opportunity to earn his freedom.   Guiding Ajax away from the grim scene, Doctor Wosow takes him to Storme Manor. There, Ajax receives medical attention and is provided with a comfortable guest room. It appears that Doctor Wosow is extending a hand to Ajax, offering him a chance for a different future beyond the turmoil of The Radana Storme Institute.   22nd Skrabarjeń 269 5E   Ajax Wursor awakens to a new day filled with unexpected comforts. Given the chance to bathe and clad in comfortable linen attire, he's attended to by servants who cater to his needs. However, Ajax is met with a stipulation: his weapons and armor will be withheld until he attends a dinner gathering with Warden Petro Storme and Doctor Walmdas Kluw.   When the time comes, Ajax joins the dinner and finds Warden Petro Storme engaged in a lively conversation with his daughter Nadia Storme. Ajax inquires about the whereabouts of the rest of the family, and Nadia explains their absence for the evening. Throughout the dinner, Ajax seems disoriented and struggles to fully comprehend his surroundings. In attendance are also Doctor Walmdas Kluw and Doctor Wiliam Wosow.   Doctor Kluw expresses admiration for Ajax's moral compass and his reverence for freedom. In response, Ajax provocatively suggests that if the doctor truly values freedom, he should release the prisoners within The Radana Storme Institute. The doctor divulges that Warden Petro Storme is the last of the Respectable Storme of the Sixth Circle, and his demise would mark the downfall of both his house and The Radana Storme Institute. He adds that the patients will eventually be liberated one way or another, with or without the Warden's death. The doctor extends a promise to Ajax: not only a chance at freedom, but also an opportunity to serve a higher purpose beyond himself.   Doctor Kluw reveals that the murderer plaguing the institute is not a single individual, but three. He claims that one of them has already been apprehended that very night. The doctor identifies Russell Tideborn as one of the culprits and explains that Russell was responsible for attacking Ajax in his cell and plotting his murder there. In exchange for Ajax's assistance in eliminating the remaining two murderers, the doctor pledges to equip him with new armor and weapons.   Ajax, seemingly dazed and still grappling with his emotions, agrees to the doctor's proposal, driven by his desire for retribution and a chance at a different life.
Report Date
16 May 2023
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