Santo Domingo


A truly overpacked sector of the City,nhousing a large percentage of the City's population and already starting to divide based on wealth and power—The rich in the north, the poor in the south.


Once safe suburban "Beavervilles" have given way to dilapidated buildings fashioned into shelters, tent cities in claustraphobic clusters, and stacks of cargo containers turned into cheap homes for refugees.

Guilds and Factions

The Technicolor Furcoats: A gang of exotics in control of a small hood on the outskirts of the district, defending their people with rebel tactics.   6th Street: A gang comprised mainly of veterans from the Fourth Corperate War, with chrome and skills to match. They've been declared the legal law enforcement of the district.   The Pirihanas: A gang of chooms who live to party, peddling drugs for profit and violence for kicks.   Zhirafa Technical Manufacturing: Makers of drones, autonomous robotics, and construction mecha. Products like the Savanna Line, a line of aerial and terrestrial combat drones for use by security and law enforcement have made them a valuable asset in Night City. They own an expansive office within Heywoods industrial sector, and their drones are used within the suburbs to supplant the lacking police presence.   Aldercaldo Nomads: They hold great power within the area, their camp responsible for many goods and weapons making their way through the streets.

Points of interest

Aldecaldo Camp: A large, multi-cultural encampment at the edge of the city where the Aldecaldo Nomads run an expansive trade and transport network, hiring themselves out to guide people across the badlands and transport goods just about anywhere.   Heywood Industrial Zone: Described as a "light industrial area", the Heywood Industrial Zone is made up of corporate factories and industrial complexes, such as Arasaka Arms factories, Biotechnica research stations, and Euro Business Machines storage/research stations. Due to the numerous amount of industry in the zone, many factories are unknown in their names or what they function as.   City Police Precinct #2: A large and overworked police precinct which has to devote more than half its forces to dealing with gangs of scavvers and has come to rely on Zhirafa drones to patrol the vast expanse of the Overpacked Suburbs.   MetalStorm: A nearly indestructible bar, built under the bridge to central Night City, MetalStorm caters to chromers of all shapes and sizes, including a bunch of full body conversions who come to the bar to thrash and get plastered. Almost everything in this bar is solid metal, even the customers.   East Cargo Village: A Cargo Container Community located near the Aldecaldo Camp.   Heywood Suites: An apartment complex located directly below a busy interstate. The noise is still overpowering despite the complex having added soundproofing, most of its occupants having installed Level Dampeners and having learned American Sign Language.   Hornet's Pharmacy: A chems shop found in an abandoned train depot. The cargo train's interior has been completely remodeled and is used as a store for the Fixer Hornet.   Nana Meow's Nursery: A family-run store that sells fresh produce and hydroponics equipment.   Woodchipper's Garage: A firearm shop owned by the Woodchipper, a nomad from the Aldecaldos. The garage is mostly used by Woodchipper to store all the guns her nomads collogues bring from their travels. She then sells them to the Fixers around Night City.   Converted Motel Studio Apartments: A motel which has been retrofitted into an apartment complex. Most of its residents are Nomads whom for whatever reason have chosen not to stay at the nearby Aldecaldo Camp.


Boostergangers from the nearby Combat Zone looking for easy marks and turf.


1950s esque suburban homes have given way to decrepit, crumbling buildings retrofitted into shelter by Reclaimers and desperate refugees. This and the sprawling tent cities give a cluastraphobic, almost brutalist appeal.


Rolling hills dotted with homless camps and suburban homes, often side by side, Offering a view of the water in one direction and the Badlands in another.