Woodchipper's Block Party

Purpose / Function

Woodchipper built the market on selling guns to everyone invited, and wheels to individually vetted Fixers who are invited to sponsor the Night Market. That’s right, guns and bikes, everything a Nomad needs! Plus, outdoor living essentials and ammunition! Her market is also widely considered a safe place to get tuned— to get your first Internal Linear Frame surgery. But there’s a final, far more important reason to come to Woodchipper’s market: the food. Specifically, we’re talking about auténtico street corn. If the only corn you’ve ever had has been in syrup form, or been shat out by Continental Brands, you owe it to yourself.


Night Market Stock   Survival Gear: Binoculars 50eb (Costly), Radiation Suit 1,000eb (Very Expensive), and Airhypo 50 ed (costly.)   Weapons: An exotic weapon.   Fashion: Generic Chic, EMP Threading (20), High Fashion, Leisurewear, Skinwatch, Gang Colors (Primetime Players?), Urban Flash, Techhair.   Cyberware: Nasal Filters, Signal Jammer (500), Chainripp (500), Cyberarm (500)   More weapons: Rocket Launcher (500), Heavy Melee Weapon 100eb (Premium), SMG 100eb (Premium), Heavy Pistol or Very Heavy Pistol 100eb (Premium), BudgetarMs triPle treat (500), Medium Melee Weapon 50eb (Costly).   Linear Frames: Sigma Linear Frame.


Suburban homes surrounded by tented stalls, strung up lights, and a smattering of rickety wooden tables and chairs.


Woodchipper’s Night Market is not just her own but also an extension of the Aldecaldos’ influence in the region. Thus, they send their best fighters to protect it. They call themselves Lobos, but most people with brains in Night City call them “not someone you want to fuck with.” Just a few interspersed among the crowd is enough to deter inter-Nomad infighting. The Lobos on the roofs, behind the windows, and patrolling the neighboring streets beyond the block party in custom bikes are there to deter assault.   The Lobos escorting Woodchipper during the event, on the other hand, are there entirely to project power. After all, you don’t need to defend a walking tank from assassination.


Nomads, car enthusiasts, reputable Fixers, and allied locals looking for food and gear.
Market square
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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