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The Eight Light Crystals


The Eight Light Crystals are mysterious powerful artifacts created by the Order of the Northern Light as a failsafe should they all fall in combat. The Crystals were forged with the assistance of a group of Mana Sages that belong to a faction known as "The Eye of the Matrix". With the direction of King Magnar Umbranos and the Order's leader Wallace Dover, the Mana Sages harnessed the vast energies of the universe to form eight identical yet unique crystals composed of powerful Mana, one crystal blessed by each leader of the Order; Wallace, Maria, Aldebaran, Vanessa, Balthazar, Tyrodin, Edward and Kaleb. Wallace declared The Light Crystals to be their contingency plan if they all die at the hands of the enemy. For them to stand a chance against the Parliament and their machinations, Wallace used the energies of the Light Crystals to forge a mighty greatsword which he dubbed "Glorenzelg", which means "glory of the land" in ancient tongue.
The Order of the Northern Light stood their ground against the invasion forces of the Parliament for several months as they sought to take the Kingdom of Ylhelm for themselves, but they soon met their match upon the arrival of the Crimson Zodiac. One by one, the leaders of the Order were killed by the Crimson Zodiac, all but one; Tyrodin, who betrayed Wallace to take Glorenzelg for himself. However, Wallace used the last of his Light to destroy the sacred blade and send the eight Light Crystals across the world. To much of his dismay, Tyrodin held onto the Crystal that he himself blessed; the Chromatic Light Crystal, which he'd take back to the Parliament to be accepted into their ranks.
Several years later, a young Benji must now embark on a journey to find all eight Light Crystals in order to awaken his Paladin blood lineage and defeat the Parliament of Magic.

The Crystals

The Light Crystals are scattered across the world, lost, hidden, or already found. Having been forged by the powerful energies of the universe, each Light Crystal holds a specific power ability.
  • Amber Light Crystal: First crystal to be found by Benji at the top of the Ivory Tower. Benji and Sein fight off Uriel soon after. Its yellow glow grants Benji his first Paladin abilities; Holy Light and Crusader Slash.
  • Topaz Light Crystal: This clear brown crystal is located in the depths of the Primordial Temple in Osyris. Kashiel intercepts Benji and company upon finding it, but the Crystal flies towards Benji's body and giving its energies to him, unlocking a new ability mid-fight; Emblazoned Light.
  • Jasper Light Crystal: A green crystal found in the heart of the Golem Dominion Forest, protected by a secretive Mana Sage faction led by an elvish society. After proving himself to be the Chosen One, Benji is gifted the Emeral Light Crystal by the leader of the forest. This Light Crystal increases all of Benji's stats by 2%.
  • Azurite Light Crystal: A blue crystal found in the ancient sunken city of Garland. Lost to the elements centuries ago, the city of Garland was said to be the home of a powerful civilization, but their city was devoured by the ocean for mysterious reasons. The Light Crystal had been found by an aquatic race of Naga, who offered the crystal as tribute to their goddess Aura'nthel to bring her back to life. Benji and company retrieve the Azurite Light Crystal after defeating the Naga and their half-resurrected goddess. The Light Crystal grants Benji a new ability: Blessing of the Gods.
  • Amethyst Light Crystal: A deep purple crystal found under the Cathedral of the Abyss in Northern End. It was first found by Ulrich, Saint of the Abyss, an exiled priest who founded his own cult known as the Church of the Abyss. A member of the Crimson Zodiac, Ulrich proves to be Benji's greatest challenge as of yet. After Benji and party defeat Ulrich and dismantle the Church of the Abyss, they collect the Amethyst Light Crystal and find that Ulrich was siphoning its energies to become the Saint of the Abyss. This Light Crystal grants Benji another 2% stat boost.
  • Garnet Light Crystal: A red crystal found in the Iron Fortress at the top of the Ares Volcano. The crystal is found and used by King Theron of Ares, a member of the Crimson Zodiac. A powerful king-knight cladded in mighty iron and wielding a massive claymore, Theron of Ares harnesses the energies of the Light Crystal to amplify his fiery powers. Benji and company defeat Theron after an exhausting long battle and retrieve the Garnet Light Crystal from his clutches, giving Benji a new ability; Purged By Light.
  • Chromatic Light Crystal: a multi-colored and powerful Light Crystal. This crystal is what gives TYRANT, a living artificial-intellingence creation, its powerful Manatech abilities. This Light Crystal shows the true capability of the Light Crystals after it fuses with TYRANT's sentience and desires, giving birth a powerful tall humanoid-like figure of cosmic powers. Once Benji and company vanquish this transcending being, they retrieve the Light Crystal and it gives Benji an additional ability; Light of the Stars.
  • Sun Light Crystal: the final Light Crystal. This Crystal is being held and protected within the walls of Skyhold, a mighty city sitting atop Eopi. The Eopian Guardians have held onto this Light Crystal ever since it found its way lodged into the terrain. Gloria, who's also an Eopian Guardian, was not aware of this, and failed to appeal to her fellow Eopian Guardians to hand the Light Crystal to Benji. However, Benji proves himself in several trials imposed by Skyhold's Council, and obtains the final Light Crystal. However, while Gloria is given a hero's return to her home, he secretly tells the council she'll no longer return.

Glorenzelg, Blade of the Northern Hand

After Benji collects all of the Light Crystals, he can begin the re-forging of Glorenzelg. A long quest takes him back through the world and into the first areas of Babylon to find the assistance of legendary craftsmen. Depending on the decisive choice of the player, Glorenzelg can take the shape of a specified type of weapon; a two-handed greatsword or a one-handed longsword. Whatever the choice is, Glorenzelg is to become Benji's strongest, mightiest piece of equipment.
Item type
Unique Artifact


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