Maggot FARM

This is the official report scribed by XXXXX On Toesday at mid-morning bell, a group of farmers approached the guard station at the Small Gate. Sargent XXXX was on duty and the farmers told him of a murdered family due south of the royal port and East of Old Crystalring.

Official report:

They had apparently approached the farm earlier and found what they described as a horrific seen of blood and guts. The whole farm had been killed including the livestock, nothing seemed to be missing from the farm, that they could discern from invest aging the murder. a small squad of men including the Sargent of the guard xxxx, followed the farmers to the scene. according to sergeant xxxx when the group arrived, they met 3 farmers who were left to watch over the place. The sergeant instructed the farmers to stay put and one of his men would ask them all question in regard to the scene. Guard xxxxxx stay with the farmers and recorded their statements. Guard took exact notes on the statements which I have attached to this parchment of his notes.  

Guard official note:

bodies had been killed only the night before, some of the blood had not dried and it was cool that morning.  The hearts of the victims were removed and pieces of their body had been chewed on, with the flesh being ripped and bones gnawed.  A strange smell that caused several of the guards and farmers to be ill.  Sergeant said it was poison, but he could not find the source.    


  • Name of farmers: 1,2,3,4,5,6 - farmers guild protection.  The farmers names will not be on report, it will be on a witness list that will be kept private, unless this goes before the royal magistrate.
1 = we came up before sunrise to meet with Farmer Maggot about doing work in southern pasture. we walked in a group discussing the days' work that lied ahead. 4 carried a torch. 3,5,6 carried tools, they assured us that they were common farm tools. 1,2 both were armed with spears; this is common practice among the farmers moving about at night. They notice first that the there was no sound, no insects, or dogs barking. Nothing but dead silence. This made some of the group apprehensive, but they continued on. just before they reached the farmhouse, 3 noticed the barn door open and approached, He lit another torch and peeked inside. He found the mutilated corpses of the cattle and horses. He called to the others, 2 rushed over with his spear to examine the scene.  1 and the rest moved quickly to the house, which was deathly dark.  they knocked on the door, but no one answered.  After several long minutes of knocking, they entered the farmhouse to find all within dead.  1 explained that farmers were accustomed to bloody and death, but this was a bit much and several of the group threw up.  Immediately they split up, some remaining near the farm and the others rushed back to town to report the event.  (all) had similar story.   The guard told the farmers that they should remain quite about this event. They did not.  rumors traveled fast through the realm.
The Royal Port
Everything in the Kingdom goes through the royal port.


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