Portland Ward


  Approximately 1630; mostly dwarf, some other civilized races. Many of these Dwarfs work the mines. Some work the docks.


Portland is governed by a Ward Master, a female dwarf named Bifur Goldfinder  Bifur. this is a low income area.

Notable Places

  1. The Shrine of Shune the Vile : A bronze statue of , Goddess of Chaos, said to be sometimes visited by the goddess herself also whispers arcane secrets.
  2. The Crossed Wands : A large commoner's tavern, which has one door here and another in Khathizdush, the City of Secrets.
  3. Frinan's Woodwork : A neglected woodcarver's workshop, built around a large ash tree.

A few NPCs:

  1. Rida Withered Hand : Female Dwarf Thief, Rida has white hair and hazel eyes, and a withered right hand. She wears leather armor and wields a short sword and dagger. Rida has a black cat named Hlaga.
  2. Wine: Male Human Merchant, Good. Wine is rugged in appearance, with tangled silver hair and soft brown eyes. He wears modest garments and carries a long knife. Wine is loyal, but only to those he deems worthy.
  3. Undin: Female Dwarf Fighter, Good. Undin has black hair and sharp amber eyes, and a round nose. She wears splint mail and wields a warhammer and shield. Undin is searching for the lost elven kingdom of Hellinde.


Dwarf, Humans, Goblin, Gnome, Half-orc
The Royal Port
Everything in the Kingdom goes through the royal port.
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