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Caliban is a large terrestrial planet in the Sycoran star system, known for its imposing landmasses and vast desert regions.


The planet features unique geological formations, including towering mesas, deep canyons, and rocky plateaus.   The Great Oasis: A legendary and massive oasis is said to exist deep within one of Caliban's deserts. It is a source of hope and a potential symbol of unity for the Sycoran people.   The Mesa Cities: Several major cities on the top of towering mesas are thriving centers of trade and culture. They are perched high above the desert, offering safety from silicate sandstorms and are strategically important due to massive communications arrays and planetary defense weapons.   The Scarred Plateaus: Mysterious and enigmatic plateaus marked with ancient petroglyphs and formations. The natives of Caliban hold these sites in high cultural and religious regard; believing that the first settlers of the planet made their homes on these plateaus.   The Caravan Routes: Complex networks of trade and caravan routes crisscrossing the deserts, connecting vital water sources, settlements, and resource-rich areas.


Almost all of the water found on Caliban is full of micro-silica, rendering it undrinkable. Drinking standing Calibanian water will result in micro-lacerations to the mouth and internal organs and internal bleeding. If filtered correctly though, the water is clean enough to drink.

Ecosystem Cycles

Seasonal Rainfall: Caliban has sporadic but intense seasonal rainfall, which is a lifeline for both vegetation and the Sycoran people. These brief periods of rainfall trigger bursts of flora and replenish water sources.

Localized Phenomena

Silicate Sandstorms: Sandstorms and dust storms are frequent and can last for days, making protective gear and technology essential. Due to the high silica composition of the planet, these sandstorms can cut through typically protective materials and cause even more fatalities than the extreme temperatures of Caliban.


Harsh Arid Climate: Caliban experiences a harsh and unforgiving arid climate. Daytime temperatures can reach 104o F, while nighttime temperatures near the poles can drop to -90o F. Sandstorms and dust storms are frequent and can last for days, making protective gear and technology essential.

Fauna & Flora

Native flora and fauna have all evolved methods of water filtration or resorted to water parasitism. Many parasites have developed symbiotic relationships with other fauna; filtering water for them and taking nutrition from the food the creature eats.

Natural Resources

Silica Deposits: Caliban is known for its abundant silica deposits, which can be found in various forms, including quartz, sand, and silicate minerals. Silica is a valuable resource for the manufacturing of electronics, glass, and ceramics, as well as construction materials.   Minerals: Beyond silica, the planet's geology contains a variety of valuable minerals, including precious and semi-precious gemstones, metallic ores, and semi-conductive minerals. These resources are crucial for the development of technology, trade, and industrial production.   Vegetation: While limited, the native flora of Caliban is adapted to arid conditions and can provide sustenance for both the Sycoran people and local wildlife. Drought-resistant crops, such as hardy grains and root vegetables, are cultivated near oases and along caravan routes.   Wildlife: The unique and adapted wildlife of Caliban serves as a resource for food, clothing, and other essentials for the Sycoran people. Nomadic communities rely on the hunting and gathering of these resources during their journeys.   Oases: Oases are more than just sources of water; they also provide fertile grounds for agricultural practices and serve as trading hubs for the Sycoran people. These locations play a crucial role in the planet's resource management and cultural exchange.   Fossil Fuels: While not as abundant as other resources, Caliban has limited fossil fuel deposits, including coal and oil. These resources can be important for energy production and industrial processes.   Renewable Energy: Due to the planet's extreme conditions, the Sycoran people have developed renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to harness the abundant sunlight and wind patterns on the planet.
(All measurements based on Sol)

Avg. Surface Temperature: 62 F (high desert)
Orbital Period: 10 Months
Rotational Period: 0.85 Days
Surface Gravity: 1.43 g
Distance from Star: 0.889 au (132,992,507 km)
Escape Velocity: 15 km/s
Alternative Name(s)
Sycorax A - 2
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