Halia Thornton

Townmaster Halia Thornton

Halia Thornton is the calculating guildmaster of the Phandalin Miner's Exchange, where she employs the kenku named Coins, and is currently running for townmaster. Halia is known to horde and trade minor magic items.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Halia is average in height for a woman of her age. Her raven black hair contrasts her naturally pale skin, often accentuated by the makeup she wears. Naturally beautiful and intimidating, Halia's hazel eyes often appear to shroud her true intentions.

Apparel & Accessories

Halia prefers to wear dresses and favours black, green, and brown colours. She often wears heeled leather boots to enhance her height. Alongside her typical pale makeup, Halia dons crimson on her lips and nails. Where jewellery is concerned, Halia has two silver rings on her right hand, and owns a variety of necklaces, but wears little else.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Upon their first meeting on the 24th of Uktar, 1491, Halia asked the party, now known as the Hat Gang, to acquire the deeds to Tresendar Manor in order to pay off Neko's debt to her. During this meeting, Boston compulsively stole the Horn of Silent Alarm from her desk, without her noticing. The party completed Thornton's quest, providing her with the deeds the following day, even after Neko's death, because of her promise of a monetary reward. Halia made good on her promise, awarding the party 100gp and also requesting to speak with Jensen, who was not present, at a later date.   The next time the party tried to speak with her (after visiting Gnomengarde), they found her to be absent, having gone to Tresendar Manor, leaving Coins to look after the shop. Whilst at the manor, Halia encountered Droop and informed him that he was now on her property and forced him to leave. Jensen was able to meet Halia the next day.   On the 6th of Nightall, Halia began running for the position of townmaster, believing she could easily beat current townmaster Harbin Wester, however, she was unaware that Sildar Halwinter was also planning on running. When Dymera visited Halia to sell her a large golden bell, Halia told the wood elf about Halwinter's dubious military past, particularly the time he left several of his men for dead during a conflict. Dymera later shared this information with other members of the Hat Gang.

Gender Identity

Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Ruled Locations
Halia with the Tresendar Manor Deeds