"Ribit Baghood" (/'jɑːrnoʊ ælbrɛk/ YAR-noh al-BREK)

Lord Iarno "Glasstaff" Albrek (a.k.a. Ribit Baghood)

Acting under the pseudonym of "Glasstaff", the mage Iarno Albrek betrayed the Lord's Alliance and became the leader of the Redbrands, until he was defeated by the Hat Gang. For a short time, he stayed at the Stonehill Inn under the custody of Sildar Halwinter, going by the name "Ribit Baghood", until the point where he was murdered.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Iarno was a short, thin man. His skin was white and his hair was black, neatly parted and well groomed, with a medium-length goatee beard. He had strong cheekbones, a prominent, pointed nose, and his brown eyes were narrow and sunken.

Special abilities

Lord Iarno was a skilled wizard who specialised in abjuration magic. His powers were a great asset to the Alliance, before he betrayed them.

Apparel & Accessories

As Glasstaff, Iarno wore red robes, with gold trimmings, held in place by a plain leather belt with a large glass buckle, and leather boots and gloves dyed orange. He also wielded the Glass Staff of Defence, hence his alias.   When captive at Phandalin's cells, Iarno was stripped of his finery and wore a simple brown linen shirt, and loose brown trousers with suspenders.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Betraying the Lord's Alliance

  Iarno left the Lord's Alliance sometime in 1491 when he took over the Redbrands. Several months later he began dealings with the Black Spider. Iarno was to watch over Phandalin and limit the growth of any local powers, he would relay information to the Black Spider via the goblinoid emissaries sent from Cragmaw Castle. Not long before the Hat Gang arrived in town, Iarno had Thell Dendrar killed when he stood up to the Redbrands. Iarno had somehow managed to trap a Cambion into his servitude.   Sildar Halwinter of the Lord's Alliance informed the Hat Gang that Iarno Albrek had gone missing, unaware that he had in fact betrayed the Alliance, and asked them to keep a lookout for him. Around this time, the Spider sent Albrek a letter, warning him of the party's arrival in town.  

Confrontation with the Hat Gang

  When the party attacked Tresendar Manor, they killed most of the ruffians in the hideout but Albrak tried to flee, using his abjuration magic to protect himself as he attempted to make his escape. Astonishingly, amongst the chaos, the adventurers did manage to stop him, and were able to free his captive Cambion (losing one of their members in the process).   Albrek was brought back to Phandalin, where he was put in one of the cells at the Townmaster's Hall until the 7th of Nightall (1491) when the Hat Gang returned to interrogate him. Jensen Astria-Wagner cast detect thoughts on him, although the mage was surprisingly honest with the party. The interrogation was somewhat illuminating, revealing a fair amount of information about Iarno's history with the Redbrands and the Black Spider, although when Boston Bornes asked the prisoner why he had Thell Dendrar killed, Iarno could offer no other reason other than "to make an example", prompting a berating from Nissany.

Relocation and Death

  Nissany negotiated with Sildar Halwinter to have Iarno moved to the Stonehill Inn, under the false name "Ribit Baghood", to protect him from the Black Spider. However, he was murdered just days later by a female drow identified by a witness as Cierel from the Townmaster's Hall.
Current Status
Date of Death
Nightal 1491
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations
Iarno Albrek
Iarno Albrek, now known as "Ribit Baghood"

Character Portrait image: Glasstaff by Hero Forge
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