Tig Bitty Girlfriends

General Summary

"I must say, that was the most dreadful thing I have ever heard."
Mr. Squirrel, on Nissany's performance
  Most of the Hat Gang returned to Phandalin, whilst Thokk travelled to Cragmaw Hideout to colect his gear. The rest of the party headed to the inn, where they got to catch up with Greta. The barmaid thanked them for attempting to recover her stolen valuables, but confided in them that she was still shaken by the robbery and needed a break. The gang agreed to cover for her at the inn.   As they left the inn, the party caught sight of Sildar Halwinter outside the Townmaster's Hall. Halwinter spoke about his doubts about the election, believing that Halia Thornton's attempts to smear him had been sucessful, and she would likely win against him. Nissany was initially disinterested in Sildar's problem, but the party was troubled to hear of the alleged resurgence of the Redbrands, and Thornton's potential connections to them. Sildar suggested the party talk to Qelline Alderleaf, whom the Redbrands have been harassing lately.   The party then split into two groups, Boston, Jensen, and Nissany headed to Alderleaf Farm, whilst Dymera and Elarnya decided to walk to Umbrage Hill to stock up on healing potions.   Qelline, although initially weary of the Hat Gang on account of the time they recruited her child to help them attack a bandit hideout, had warmed to them in the weeks since, after hearing of the good they had done for the town. When questioned about the Redbrands, she told them that a few men clad in red robes had visited her several nights ago, asking for protection money. One of them, who had a tattoo on his face, mentioned that they had recently come under "new management". The adventurers pledged to help Quelline and put a stop to the Redbrands again, planning to return to her farm on the night of the 29th of Nightall.   Meanwhile, the elves rode atop Anydemus as they traveled to Umbrage Hill, arriving in only a couple of hours. Adabra Gwynn greeted them warmly, selling them two potions. When asked about Fluffy, Gwynn said he was doing quite well, but mentioned he still had a tendency to scratch a, explaining the fresh scars on her arms. The elves did meet the juvenile manticore, who was now the size of a wolf, before they left and were able to pet him.   Before the others returned, Boston, Jensen, and Nissany walked to the Miner's Exchange to buy Boston a crystal focus, although Jensen waited outside, still avoiding Halia Thornton after he declined her offer.   Once the party was reunited, they began their first shift at the Inn, except for Thokk, who decided to watch over Tresendar Manor, and Dymera, who attempted to tame *screaming noises* using some of the rat food she acquired at Mountain's Toe, however, she still failed.   The evening didn't start great, with Nissany having one of the worst performances of her entire life, and Boston cooking up a below-average soup, but he turned it around with his next attempt, which Trilena claimed was the best soups she had ever tasted. Elarnya served the soup with grace and style, and the patrons were so pleased with the soup that they lost interest in Nissany's dreadful performance, allowing her to quietly step away and sit with Mr. Squirrel and Kellogs, who mocked her relentlessly for the rest of the night.   Hiding amongst the trees of Phandalin Forest, Thokk, in boar form, watched the old manor tirelessly for most of the night. He saw little activity outside in the area and was about to head back to the inn when he saw a vaguely humanoid creature heading towards the manor. The crooked, clawed creature had spikes along its back, and in the middle of its head was a large green eye. After seeing the monster, the half-orc went to tell the rest of the party what he had seen.   As night approached, the party became tired, Boston's next meal was not quite as good as the last, and Elarnya and Jensen spilled some soup on the floor, however, most patrons had returned home already. Once it became so late that even Frida had left, the group finished their shift, meeting Thokk and Dymera outside. Thok informed the others about the creature he saw earlier, the party eventually realising that he was describing Gucci .   Although the party members were curious what the nothic was doing outside the mannor, they were more concearned with the Redbrands. The conversation soon moved to Halia Thornton, and her ties to the gang. They couldn't ignore the possibility that Halia may be running the Redbrands now, especially since she now owned the deed to their hideout, and Jensen claimed that she tried to recruit her into the Black Network. Dymera, however, appeared unconvinced and claimed that Halia was valuable as an ally as she would be "scamable." Thokk began to argue with the wood elf, angered by the apparent stupidity of her logic, eventually causing Dymera to relent, revealing that she was actually "deeply and irrevocably in love" with Halia, confusing everyone.
Boston Cooking
In-Game Date
27th of Nightall
Report Date
24 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
"Intelligence is like, my weakest subject!"
— Dymera
"Me and Halia go way back... ...to a bell."
— Dymera
"Don't worry about me Nissany, I can look after myself. Besides, I prefer walking alone and I need some time to myself."
— Greta
It is at this point that Greta approached the party, first thanking them for covering her shift, and then telling them that she needs new ingredients for her muffins. Although it's dark, Greta insisted on walking the woods herself, wanting some time alone. She said goodbye to Hat Gang and leaned in to kiss Boston on the forehead. When he didn't respond, she became upset and walked away, disapearing into the darkness.   After Greta left, the adventurers continued to talk about Halia.
Dymera expressed a desire to seduce her, prompting some uncomfortable questions from Elarnya, which nobody particularly wanted to answer. The party eventually returned to the inn to rest for the night, purchasing three rooms between them.

Character(s) interacted with

Qelline Alderleaf, Fluffy, Frida, Greta, Adabra Gwynn, Sildar Halwinter, Reidoth, Toblen Stonehill, Trilena Stonehill, Halia Thornton.