Tubisqu Rout (Too-BISK-oo)

The Tubisqu Rout was a specific counterstrike by Pact of the Blessèd forces during the larger Battle at the Qos Spear in the Season of Opening 988AC during the War of the Six. It was considered an incredibly risky venture devised in desperation by Jal-Nalir Mhadan Ghuzneind, and is notable for being a significant wartime response -- that resulted in success -- achieved without the input or involvement of Devatska Acosaphaura, Xocis Bu'ran, or Tothjal Terbias Cuun.   It is so named from an objective perspective that described the chaotic driving-out of invading Violet Accord forces: Jal Ghuzneind ordered and oversaw an immense, sudden ground cavalry charge that effectively swept the opposition into the Tubisqu River. In the process so many ground cavalry were lost on both sides that the impact is still felt in the present day in the scarcity of horses. However, despite the loss of life it is considered a successful counterstrike -- one that arguably prevented Accord forces from winning the battle and encroaching on Korzhûn.

The Conflict

Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
72nd Day of the Season of Opening, 988AC
Ending Date
72nd Day of the Season of Opening, 988AC
Conflict Result
Accord forces driven back


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