Jal (JAHL)

A General of the Itoqir, or sometimes also used in situations with a strong Ustrarian military presence such as the multi-nation united forces of the Golden Itoqir during the War of the Six.   The number of Jal present largely depends on the size of the Itoqir, ranging from only one to one per division (though in principle there could also be more than one per division for especially large forces or widespread fields of engagement). It is more of an administrative position than a military honor based on comparative achievements to peers, though these are part of the selection process. Occasionally an Eba may perform the duties of a Jal in whole or in part depending on circumstances; similarly, a Jal may stand in for a Tothjal if executive decisions need to be made in dire circumstances.   Their torque of rank is the heseta with the traditional twisted-rope-pattern.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Form of Address
Jal-[Division if applicable] [Surname]
Equates to
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Lifetime unless promotion, death, retirement, abdication, deposition, dismissal, or extended unexplained absence prevail
Reports directly to
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