Battle at the Qos Spear Military Conflict in The Fruit of War | World Anvil

Battle at the Qos Spear (KOSS)

The Battle at the Qos Spear was a notable engagement of the War of the Six in the Season of Opening of 988AC. It marked the arguably most notable -- and last -- attempt by Violet Accord forces to invade Ustraria in an attempt to take and besiege Korzhûn, the seat of the Pact of the Blessèd, in response to the latter's attack on Keismeb the prior year following the Charge of the Martyrs.   Prior pushes north by the Accord had been smaller or focused in brute force in the Central Theater; this assault, however, involved a two-pronged push by both land (the Qos Spear itself) and water (the Tubisqu River). Following the Pact's defensive maneuvers, the Tubisqu River was organized as a desperate counterstrike that was ultimately successful in thwarting the attempt, but at great cost.

The Conflict


It is notable that hardly any Azgorach Horde forces were utilized by the Accord in the battle.


Significant losses on both sides, bolstering of Pact forces in the Spear and retreat by Accord Forces.

Historical Significance


The last significant push north by Accord forces prior to the War's abrupt end.

In Literature

The Battle is mentioned in Akasien Ttarvek's war poem "I Have Seen".
Included under Conflict
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
72nd Day of the Season of Opening, 988AC
Ending Date
72nd Day of the Season of Opening, 988AC
Conflict Result
Accord forces driven back





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