Fisk Settlement in The Golden Empire | World Anvil


A small logging village on the main trade road directly east of Murgul's Mountains. Little more than a rest stop for travelers and merchants.


Largely human, few half-orcs and dwarves.


Mayor Cedric Whipple (Human Male)

Industry & Trade

Largest producer of lumber in the Eastern Territories. The soil is too poor for large-scale farming, so the town is largely fed by harvesting greens/nuts from the forest and hunting wild game.


The first village established after the Golden Empire crossed Morgul's Mountains, the lumber mills of Fisk are the source of nearly all the lumber used in the eastern portion of the Eastern Territory. Starting as little more than a simple settlement at the edge of the Baumwald Forest, the need for lumber caused a flood of woodsmen to take root. Fourty five years and thousands of trees later, the settlement was beset with troubles. Trees began to rot as soon as they were felled, the wildlife grew incredibly aggressive, and few who ventured deep into the woods returned. Nearing collapse, those who remained begged the Empire for help, which came in the form of a cleric of Mielikki. This cleric ventured into the forest to find the cause of the settlements woes. It took weeks for the battered and scarred cleric to return. His armor torn and his weapon missing, the settlers feared he had failed.   These fears were calmed when he removed a stone slab from his pack. Etched in runes, the cleric explained the slab contained three things: a treaty, a set of conditions, and a warning. The unseen guardians of the forest and the cleric had come to an agreement for the coexistence of both groups. Guided by the woods themselves, a representative of Mielikki would guide the foresters in which trees were okay to harvest. This way damaged and diseased trees could be culled and the men of the Empire could have their lumber. The conditions were that no trees be felled during the new moon, and that the occasional druid seen in the forest be treated with reverence. When asked about the warning, the cleric said simply "Stay true to the concord, and know that you have been warned against straying from it. I spare you from the details, as the horrors of breaking this promise are worse than mere words can describe". The cleric stayed to guide the woodsmen for several years while training a young firbolg to take his place, then leaving to return to his home. This cleric was named Abernathy Fisk, who became the namesake of the village.

Points of interest

Small chapel to Mielikki.
Jobs Completed: Found Mayor Cedric's missing ledger.
Founding Date
960 AU
Location under
Characters in Location


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