Langsam Swamp Geographic Location in The Golden Empire | World Anvil

Langsam Swamp (Lahng-zahm)

A large swamp on the eastern edge of the Baumwald Forest and Lake Podi.


Swamp land filled with unstable terrain and deep pools of water. Heavy tree cover paired with hanging mosses and an ever-present fog limit visibility greatly.

Fauna & Flora

Many marsh rodents are present, as well as deer, moose, and wild boar.   Ducks, gulls, crows, ravens, and vultures are common. Owls and hawks are less common but present.   Predators like black bears, large black cats, alligators (regular and giant), and giant toads are known to be here.   Some swear that there are unnatural monstrosities wandering the swamp, but these reports are here say.

Natural Resources

Some clay can be found here. Some fruit trees and edible wild plants are here, but are outnumbered by poisonous plants.
Wetland / Swamp
Location under


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