The Baumwald Forest Geographic Location in The Golden Empire | World Anvil

The Baumwald Forest

An expansive forest covering the northern portion of County Est, the outer limits of which are unknown.


Brimming with deciduous trees, the forest spans from Fisk to the west, to the hills near Dirst in the north, to Lake Podi in the south. The western limits aren't known, other than it expands into the Langsam Swamp. The further East one travels, the larger the trees grow and the thicker the forest grows.   An old and unknown ruin lies on the northern edge of the forest.

Localized Phenomena

Fey creatures are known to live deeper in the forest, leading to the assumption that there are passageways to the Fey realm.


Warm during the spring, summer, and fall. Gets plenty of rain, particularly in spring. Moderately cold during winter, but is noticeably warmer than the surrounding area for some unknown reason.

Fauna & Flora

Large variety of deciduous trees, including oaks, birches, maples, hickories, and lindens. Various fruiting trees grow as well in smaller amounts.   A great variety of greens, berries, and tubers present in the undergrowth.   Wild game is plentiful, including deer, rabbits, wild boar, elk, and migratory birds.   Carnivores like wolves, foxes, and bears are present.   Monstrous creatures are known to be present, but are rarely seen when traveling by roads.   Fey creatures like dryads, fairies, and firbolg have been seen but keep to themselves, except for trickery and pranks pulled on the occasional traveler.

Natural Resources

Trees for logging and gathering fruits/nuts. Various harvestable plants in the undergrowth. Wild game for hunting/hide production.


Discovered when the Golden Empire moved east of Murgul's Mountains, the Baumwald Forest seemed the perfect place to start a logging camp. After some years full of struggles, the village of Fisk was able to establish itself permanently. Explorers occasionally venture deep into the forest, but few dare to go beyond the eastern edge.


Outside of the logging areas, the edge of the forest is safer to explore, so the occasional sightseer takes a guided tour of the area.
Forest, Temperate (Seasonal)
Location under
Related Reports (Primary)


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