Pike's Bay Hinterlands Geographic Location in The Golden Empire | World Anvil

Pike's Bay Hinterlands

A large, low elevation territory outside of Pike's Bay that is prime for farming.


A large plain on the border of Pike's Bay and the limits of explored territory. Shallow layers of soil sit above an aquifer, making this land very wet but keeping it shy from being a fully fledged marsh. occasional dips in the soil layer cause shallow ponds to appear during wetter seasons. To the north is a range of large hills, beyond which little has been explored.


Warm and moist. During the rainy season the aquifer rises, causing wider spread flooding.

Fauna & Flora

Naturally growing pears and apples have been cultivated into large orchards. Celery, rhubarb, and other leafy plants like spinach and cabbage grow here. This area is known for wild growing plants that resemble tall orange cabbages called 'rothstak' (a blending of the Dwarvish and Orcish words for orange). Difficult to cultivate but very palatable, these are gathered in the wild when the leaves start to unfurl.   Deer, elk, and wild horses are present, taking advantage of the abundant plant life. Rabbits and muskrats roam the thickets. Small sail-backed alligators can be found in the wetter regions, feeding on giant frogs and slower deer. Giant toads roam the marshy areas, posing a danger to every creature besides the apex predator, the giant alligator.   The Champions have sighted a Catoblepas in the deeper reaches of the central swamp.

Natural Resources

Plenty of wild fruits and vegetables bordering the wetter land, plentiful rothstak growing in the marsh areas.   Clay deposits at the waters edge.


The first attempts to settle this span were done during the dry season. Once the water level rose back to normal, root cellars and homes quickly flooded, creating several abandoned farm sites. New buildings are built on pier and beam foundations to prevent this. Despite the dangers posed by the swamp, farmers have taken advantage of the surrounding wetlands to grow a variety of crops.
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