The Heartbreak of the Quartet

As seen in
"And with what we thought waş̵̟̭̖̣͉͍͓̪̪͕̲́̍̈̋͋̔̍̇̑ complete, with force unsurpassed. We thought ourselfş̵̟̭̖̣͉͍͓̪̪͕̲́̍̈̋͋̔̍̇̑ infallible, the caregiverş̵̟̭̖̣͉͍͓̪̪͕̲́̍̈̋͋̔̍̇̑ of our progeny. A quartet to compose our song to be this world, a paradise for your children to grow. Never did I think it would result In this. I erred, I didn't understand, I didn't know. I see you behind their eyes, that sadness behind their voices. You didn't want this, had I known... as I lay here, your wrath above me, looking down. My blood burning his flesh as it dripped from his fingers. I wonder, what will become of the world we had built? In the hands of shadows, will it survive without us? I only hope, if only for my c̴̨̺͈̫̺͇̈́̾́͋̓̈́͊̎̀͑̀̓͘͘͝h̷̢̘͇͔͚̔il̷̨͉̟͉̠͍͖̙͇̙̰͈̍͒̈́̃͑͋͘͠ͅd̸̛̞̟̳̟̱̣̓͋́̾́͊͘̚͘͝͠rę̵͕̯̩͇͈̥̫͓͓̺̰̈́̒̓̓́̑̑̉̓́̄n."   -Vilorlith


The fluttering of butterfly wings, the simple flap of their wings can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. Small fires to turn raging infernos if left unchecked. A pain in the chest to leave the body ridden with cancers and abnormalities. To say such a small thing to a god can have far reaching implications is to call a mountain a molehill.
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An act that would eventually spell the doom of the original gods of the world, it was done in good faith. Vilorlith had caught an anomaly playing with the soul of one of her children. The Original Shadow was unknown to The Quartet, they were unaware that this fifth god existed until far far too late. For The Great Mother had ripped it apart in her fury after finding that it was unable to reverse what it had done to her child.
Only when the Eight Pieces of darkness returned, fully formed, fully sentient, ridden with a hatred for the gods; did the Quartet realize what that thing was, is, will always be. A fifth god, an off key to their symphony. A sour undertone that deflowered the world as it walked where it wasn't planned. Only then, and only then did they know. They had no answer, a crime they thought victimless. They had no answer as they waged war with the Shadows.
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One by one they fell, one by one the Shadows consumed them and their power, usurping their power. Sick and twisted parodies of their original grace. The Great Mother fell, The All Father fell, Warmth Fell... Leaving only Alnya. The Queen in her grief, shattered the world the gods had created, ferreted away any of their surviving children and ripped a hole through time and space. While the Shadows were preoccupied trying to keep the world functioning, holding up great Pillars of Creation, The Queen and precious few of the gods children escaped.
Skies broken, world sundered and torn. Its inhabitants warped and deformed aberrations of the originals. Tools cast aside, dreams forsaken. To usher in the Dawn of Truths from a darkness that they created themselves. A Dawn built on the corpses of those they wished to join, a Dawn built on the lies they told the gods' children. A Dawn of Lies.


It has been hidden, forgotten. Scrubbed from the annals of time, few living souls remember, fewer still can speak of it. Save for those trapped in The Elsewhere, Vestigial fogs of miasmic evil still hunt for those with Divinity. The Denizens of the Elsewhere remember, and always will, a tragedy they can never forget.
A trauma steeped into the very being of the last surviving member of the Quartet, Queen of the Fae: Alnya, her mood changes the fabric the sanctuary plane exists in. Oh lament, the tears of goddess are a melancholy not wished upon the evils of the world. The Heartbreak is also blocked from spreading due to Alnya cursing the Great Tree with Silenced Tongues, not allowing any information of their whereabouts to be known to any. Save for the precious few that walk the Tree who have been gifted the information.
The Spread of forbidden knowledge leaves one drained, exhausted. A further deterrent for any who wish to break the trust of the Queen. Though the information regarding the Elsewhere and the location of the queen has never been found by The Shadows (yet), she has done everything in her power to remain hidden, consequently, the tale of the End of the World is mythically rare to anyone outside the extra dimensional plane outside of the Great Tree.

In Art

Largely debated in the Current age, If one is able to pry any information out of either Gjorn Fourth king of Dwarves or God's Eye Odeza, then one would be able to ascertain a certain piece of information in the world. While it isn't an explained phenomena, many depictions of the Modern Gods are shown with broken Halos. If the Artist is pressed to why they depict them this way, the simple statement of it just feels right is a common answer. Despite it being accepted within many of the Faiths of the world.  
Moment of Creation by Thereasonwhy
Depictions of the Quartet as Created within the Elsewhere.
In most cases the Modern Pantheon is depicted with shattered Halos, or none at all.


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Aug 22, 2024 16:35 by Lilliana Casper

I love the writing style used in this article! I had to reread parts of it to put it together, but it makes a tragic yet interesting story. Nice job!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.
Aug 24, 2024 02:42

I'm so glad you like it! I had debated for quite some time if I even wanted to do this one. It shows quite a bit of what I'm planning later on, but I'm actually a little glad it's hard to put together. That was somewhat intentional, its hard to see a reflection in murky water after all ^^

May you find the truth as it billows through the branches...