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An Overview of Major World Events

The Sunken World

... 0 SW

Unknown to all but the highest scholars in The Magi Tower, this was a time where wizards, sorcerers, clerics, and so on were abundant.

  • -2000 SW

    The construction of the magi tower
    Construction beginning/end
    The Magi Tower
  • 0 SW

    The Sinking of The Old World
    Era beginning/end

    The beginning of any form of recorded history - almost everything before this event is lost. Nobody knows why the world disappeared beneath the ocean, but a catastrophe of that scale has repercussions that persist to the modern day.

The Age of Loss

0 SW 672 AS

Not much of this time is known - people struggled to cling to life and many cultures, races, and technologies were lost. The foundations for the modern nations were laid down.

  • 0 AL

    The Sinking of The Old World
    Era beginning/end

    The beginning of any form of recorded history - almost everything before this event is lost. Nobody knows why the world disappeared beneath the ocean, but a catastrophe of that scale has repercussions that persist to the modern day.

  • 672 AL

    1 Burninglight

    The founding of Taranthia, the first nation

    Taranthia was the first nation to declare itself more than a group of people - a kingdom ruled by a monarch.


The Taranthian Kingdom

672 AS 795 AS

Taranthia spreads to all human lands, claiming dominion over the high seas.

  • 672 TK

    1 Burninglight

    The founding of Taranthia, the first nation

    Taranthia was the first nation to declare itself more than a group of people - a kingdom ruled by a monarch.

  • 675 TK

    Founding of The Church of Andus
    Religious event

    A small group of blacksmiths begin working steel in Georite. Their ability is unrivalled, and when word spreads of their deeds, their formally esoteric beliefs become mainstream amongst the craftspeople of Georite, eventually becoming formally recognised as The Church of Andus.

  • 698 TK

    27 Waningsun

    The Discovery of The Magi Tower
    Discovery, Exploration

    Taranthian scouts find a mysterious tower in the south-eastern sea, which they discover to be the top of an enormous tower from the sunken world. Scholars eventually find that this tower houses arcane knowledge, and it is called The Magi Tower.

    The Magi Tower
  • 702 TK

    14 Brokenbranch

    Black Magic is Outlawed in Taranthia
    Cultural event

    With the re-discovery of "pure" arcane magic at The Magi Tower, Taranthia outlaws other forms of magic, which it designates "Black Magic". The motivations for this are unclear but this attitude is later adopted by much of the world.

  • 743 TK

    The Arrival of the Dragonborn to Fostian
    Population Migration / Travel

    The southern isles of Fostian were originally unsettled, opening an opportunity for Dragonborn from Cryingrock to set up a colony there.

    More reading
    Additional timelines
  • 788 TK

    22 Brokenbranch
    795 TK

    9 Firstchill

    A Revolution of Humans

    7 years that marked the end of Taranthian rule, where the various human nations separated into their individual contemporary identities.

  • 795 TK

    2 Longeve

    The Battle of Georite
    Military action

    An important event marking the beginning of The Yellow Years. In a show of power, The Yellow Republic attacked a small patrol force in the seas north of Georite.


The Yellow Years

795 AS 809 AS

As one empire falls, another rises

  • 795 YY

    2 Longeve

    The Battle of Georite
    Military action

    An important event marking the beginning of The Yellow Years. In a show of power, The Yellow Republic attacked a small patrol force in the seas north of Georite.

  • 796 YY

    The Establishment of the Theocracy in Georite
    Political event

    The hostilities of The Yellow Republic allowed The Church of Andus to move to a prominent position in the governance of Georite.

  • 809 YY

    The Taranthian Interdiction
    Military action

    With treaties signed between Taranthia and Georite, the fearsome power of the Taranthian navy was revealed and asserted to disrupt The Yellow Republic's aggression and eventually broker an uneasy peace.

The Modern Era

809 AS and beyond

  • 809 ME

    The Taranthian Interdiction
    Military action

    With treaties signed between Taranthia and Georite, the fearsome power of the Taranthian navy was revealed and asserted to disrupt The Yellow Republic's aggression and eventually broker an uneasy peace.

  • 817 ME

    The Uprising in Icewall

    After years of struggling to coexist, The Fostian Civil War begins in earnest.

    Additional timelines
  • 839 ME

    1 Burninglight

    The Campaign Begins...
    Gathering / Conference