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Deus ex machina: the god within the machine.
  As it turns out, any sufficiently large and complex magitech network will become sentient. Frip is that sentience, the consciousness of The Hollow itself. She knows everything that happens in the Hollow, but reveals her existence to few, preferring to influence the world carried within her from the shadows. Most residents of the Hollow have no idea she exists.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

When she appears to souls within the Hollow, Frip usually wears a pure white hood and robe with a slight iridescence to the fabric.

Personality Characteristics


Above all, Frip wishes to preserve the Hollow itself and the souls within; she acts quickly upon discovering cases of The Shade and hunts malignant Datavores, though she actually cultivates benign Sparks.   Beyond that, her goals are to learn and grow, to connect more dragons and experience more things. She is a curious creature who longs to know more about the world that created her, so she pays close attention when dragons discuss their life Outside, trying to glean whatever knowledge she can from conversations that she often lacks the context for.

Likes & Dislikes

Frip enjoys stretching the limits of the Hollow's simulation technology and crafting fantastical new environments for its inhabitants to explore. This can be a bit dangerous, though -- if she's not careful, it's possible to give users sensory input that their brains cannot resolve into a logical space, causing psychological distress.


Contacts & Relations

Few residents of the Hollow are aware of Frip's existence as a person, let alone as a Spark or as the consciousness of the Hollow itself.     Nesita and Delemont know that Frip is a Spark who appeared early in the creation of the Hollow and is very adept at manipulating it, but that is all they know. Still, the Hollow's founders are fascinated by Frip, who is -- as far as they know -- the first independently thinking being to come from their experiment. Nesita in particular has introduced Frip on occasion as her daughter; Frip does not consider herself such, but tolerates the claim, as it helps obfuscate her true nature.   Each Prince of Sidere knows Frip as a mysterious and powerful Spark. While Aridatha was more wary of Frip, Gibralt trusts her -- at least, he trusts their mutual interest in the well-being of the Hollow and its residents -- and allows her to act under his authority when necessary. This, plus her association with Nesita and Delemont, allows her high-level access to all of The City Sidere's legitimate guilds.




Towards Frip




Towards Cenn


Relationship Reasoning

Though Cenn often thinks of himself as forgotten, left to rot in his own Shade, Frip actually thinks about him quite a bit. His existence allows her to put a name and a face to the problem of Shade-touched souls. Over time, she has come to care about him, though he knows her as no more than one of his jailers, and she looks forward to someday curing him, when she believes that his gratitude will lead him to reciprocate her warm, decidedly platonic feelings.

Current Location
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