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The Lawkeepers

The Lawkeepers serve as The Hollow's law enforcement, carrying out the edicts of The Royal Court and the Court of Alders.   It's difficult to commit many crimes in the Hollow; most actions that might result in harm to others simply aren't programmed into the Hollow's physics. For example, physical violence is generally fruitless in the Hollow, as avatars usually cannot damage each other or feel pain. However, people are inventive, and criminals are forever finding ways to harm others despite the Hollow's safety protocols.   To allow them to enforce laws, Lawkeepers are granted the ability to immobilize others' avatars on sight. A Wire may flee this immobilization by leaving the Hollow, but will find their avatar still immobilized should they return -- or when they die and become an Echo. Echoes, on the other hand, have no way to escape a Lawkeeper's immobilization except by hacking the Hollow's programming, a dangerous practice, especially for Echoes who rely on that programming to maintain a sensory world they can comprehend.   Nominally, Lawkeepers are the only ones with the ability to immobilize others, and they use it only for good reason. In practice, criminals occasionally make use of this ability by corrupting either a Lawkeeper's integrity or the Hollow's programming.


Initially, Nesita and Delemont hoped that there would be no need for law enforcement in The Hollow. What crimes could be committed in a world where no one could feel pain (until The Hot Irons arose) and no possessions truly existed?   Of course, this was a failure of imagination on their part. As more souls entered the Hollow, they increasingly found ways to harm each other despite the virtual environment's limitation, and even before Aridatha founded The City Sidere, Delemont and Nesita found it necessary to grant certain individuals special powers with which they could moderate others' behavior. These souls, including Lioska, were the first Lawkeepers.
Government, Law Enforcement
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