
The industrious town of Gnarhelm is the seat of Northlander power on Alaron. Located at the end of the long and sheltered Salmon Bay, the town is built around a steep hill known as Valkur’s Rock on which sits the lodge of Jarl Ulf Helmudson. Gnarhelm is a wealthy town for the Northlanders mine iron, copper, silver, and gold from the surrounding mountains. The ore is rich, and the many smithies are busy pounding out the weapons used by the Northlander raiders and their Ffolk allies. The Northlanders from other isles look down on them, seeing them as the mostdomesticated by their close proximity to the Ffolk.   Unlike the other Northlander kingdoms, those of Gnarhelm travel extensively on foot and practice fighting on land. Their love of the sea has translated to a love of horseback riding. They keep far more horses than all the other Northlander kingdoms combined and are perhaps the finest riders in all of the Moonshaes.   Since the unification with the Ffolk, adventurous shieldmaidens from Gnarhelm venture into the forests of the Moonshaes to search of unicorns. They attempt to coax a ride from these elusive creatures and gain a single hair from a unicorn’s mane. Few succeed. Jarl Ulf’s daughter Kaetilvi intends to begin her quest this year.   Since Sarifal’s return, the fey have become more numerous in this part of the Moonshaes. Northlanders now warn each other about the Unseelie redcaps who hunt lone travelers to slay. These wretched faeries must dip their caps in blood every three days are simply disappear. They also speak in hushed wonder of the mesmerizing songs of the shapeshifting selkie, who can take the form of either a seal or a human.
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