
Ogden is a motte and bailey style settlement along the king’s road that serves as one of the primary stopping points along the journey along the road. Most of the town’s revenue comes from the tanneries, caravans, and travelers that pass through, but also from the services that the local druids provide in healing the sick and providing a natural respite for those who want to leave the urban hustle and bustle of Caer Callidyrr. The town also boasts a natural mineral hot springs. Being close to the forest edge, there are also a sizeable amount of farmers who live nearby, though many of them have been moving into the town given the recent goblin attacks.   The houses are mostly made of cut timber, mostly one story. A huge tree sits in the center of the less occupied market square. This tree was planted by the High King Tristan Kendrick about 140 years ago. It is thus referred to as the Royal Oak of Ogden, or simply the Royal Oak.   Currently Ogden serves as the seat of power for House Hugh, the Lords of Talffolk
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