
A knot is the by-product of someone who has been infected by the Reelonain Water Beetle, after the parasitic creature has been in the unlucky organisms system for multiple ours it will begin to transform them into the monstrosity.   A knot can come in the form of any of the Races of the Realm however they develop unique oddities. Their skin becomes grey and hard with a rope like texture too it, their flesh is no longer the same, it has a weave to it much like the strands in rope. Along with this a knot's bones are also far harder than an average humans, they can also slightly bend, making bludgeoning weapons far less effective. Their muscle mass is heavily increased, making them large hulking creatures who could effortlessly dominate the average man with overwhelming strength. Despite the belief that the Reelonain Water Beetle still resides in a knot's body, they show very little signs that it controls them other than slight urges and tendencies.   Knots seem to naturally band together and have an intense hatred towards other races, most of them still retain a decent amount of intelligence but none could be called genius. Generally Knots seem to live on captured boats in the oceans surrounding The Reelonain Constellation and Maronja, making them a terrifying prospect for anyone who travels via boat in those areas. Due to this they are universally despised by natives of Maronja and all sailors. Knots will attack and attempt to capture any ships that cross their floating living grounds in order to expand their colony.   Knots have shown no signs of appearing in the waters surrounding The Isles of Isaiath and therefore are a largely unknown entity to most people who live there, the same used to be said in The Lands of VeCoastal. In the year 6223 AE, a large amount of ships housing knots floated into the coastal waters of Rivia, the capital city of the Tussarian Empire. Originally they were left alone and seen as a minor threat but after a few months their presence had a large impact on trading routes and overall safety on islands within the waters. A head on assault lead by The First Golden Hero, Günter Bernard killed the population of the knots living in the ships, it was a hard fought battle but a legendary one to the residents of the Empire. Since then there has been no reports of the sea dragging knot living ships into Vecoastal waters.   The majority of Knot colonies tend to float around at sea and wait for ships to come across them, it is unknown why they do not man the boat and navigate towards other ships. However larger colonies can become an extreme nuisance and a threat to even some of the sturdiest sea crews, this is generally because they have gained the assistance of a Chiller. Knots that have reached this point are considered extremely dangerous, due to their sheer numbers and superior form of transportation and handling this issue is a task left to experienced Wanderers.
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