Episode 8 - Ravenrider

General Summary

16th of Heatswrath, 1419

In the mountain passes near Farlany, a group of soldiers from House Antyre and House Dillestone seek out the Ostamber raiders that have been plaguing their trade routes through The Backbone of Banteave. Amongst the Antyrian soldiers is Semmian DeRein, a talented archer who is unexpectedly close to Kadron Antyre when the Baron catches an arrow in the neck from a hidden Ostamber ambush. The battle is a bloody one, and Beltran Dillestone is gravely wounded, later losing his eye and his arm. Semmian, however, manages to rescue a druid from Clan Eskir from the slaughter, even if he can't save the War-Chief Paldyr from a brutal fate.    Months later, after returning home from the campaign against the Ostamber raiders, Semmian is presented with a finely carved bow by the druids of Clan Eskir in thanks for his service. He also spots Ulfvyr Eskir, Paldyr's heir, who is presented with his father's battered helmet as he prepares to assume his new position as chief of an Untamed Clan.  

4th of Duskhold, 1439

Seeking to purchase livestock to replace ones lost during a sickness that swept through the herds, Ulfvyr accompanies a trade caravan down to The Reach, believing the extra travel could net them a better deal. However, when he and his company arrive, they are shocked to discover that the Tambarists have seized control of the Reach. The rebels quickly kill Ulfvyr's guards and seize his goods, throwing him in the dungeons beneath the Manor. The rebels attempt to ransom him, but their letters go unanswered. Ulfvyr will languish in their prison for years.  

20th of Windswrath, 1441

Emaciated and near death, Ulfvyr is preparing to meet his gods in the cells below the manor when he hears the sounds of battle above him. Moments later, his jailor sails down the stairs and Iseabail McCloughhaven enters to finish them off. She sees the imprisoned chieftain and quickly works to free him. He is perilously weak from his long imprisonment, and will spend the following months slowly recovering, living a life of peace and quiet while tending to a beehive he has constructed just outside of town.  

7th of Midyear, 1442

Gwydion Ildrafn, a minor relation of House Ildrafn, is deep in her studies within the archives of Rhythavn Castle when she is summoned by Pendros Ildrafn. He has recently returned from Redehall Castle and greets her with the news of Eadvard III's death, a matter that will no doubt plunge the kingdom into civil war. He calls upon her to undertake an errand on behalf of the House; to stymie the agenda of House Antyre, they need to create a distraction in their territory. Pendros wants Gwydion to venture north, seeking out the old Untamed Clan Eskir, to which Ildrafn can trace its roots. He wants Clan Eskir to start causing no end of trouble for Antyre; raiding their supply lines, burning their watchtowers, and fomenting rebellion against the ancient House so as to split their focus. To assist her in this, he is sending two notables to accompany her; Semmian, to act as a ranger and guide, and Ulfvyr, who was once the leader of Clan Eskir and may still hold some sway. They're an odd trio, but between the three of them they may have some chance of success.   Embarking from Rhythavn that morning, the trio leaves the well-worn roads behind, heading into The Antar Highlands rugged hills and tree-lined valleys. It's quickly revealed that Ulfvyr is a talker, Gwydion is an avid listener, and Semmian is much more content to range ahead and keep watch on the trail. A thunderstorm rolls in as they make camp that night, and sleep is short-lived... Gwydion spies a figure in the trees, and before Ulfvyr and Semmian can react the camp is set upon by desperate brigands. Thought they are caught by surprise, Semmian manages to kill two with his bow, Gwydion wounds one with her knife, and Ulfvyr draws his greatsword Mercy and cleaves a final man in twain. The rest scatter into the night, terrified, and Gwydion is shaken from seeing so much violence up close for the first time in her sheltered life.   

8th of Midyear, 1442

Breaking camp the following morning, the trio continue onwards deeper into the Barony of Ayl. Their journey takes them past several small steadings, which offer little in the way of comforts or welcome. The serfs there are particularly unnerved and refuse to allow them inside their homes, suggesting instead that they continue on to the watchtower manned by House Antyre.   Upon arriving at the watchtower, the trio find cramped quarters and itchy beds in the roadhouse, and witness House Antyre training freshly mustered levies. They drink with the soldiers that night but manage to avoid rousing suspicion, and Gwydion turns away several flirtatious Antyre soldiers with less-than-polite gestures.  

9th of Midyear, 1442 

The following morning, the trio depart for the lands of Clan Eskir, noting that several of the bandits that attacked them earlier have found themselves hanging from the walls of the watchtower; Antyre appears to be cracking down hard.    As they continue their journey north, they come across many shrines and monuments to the Old Gods before arriving at the cairn of Ulfvyr's father Paldyr. Adorned with the carved ravens of Carrion, the burial mound is as impressive as it is serene. Ulfvyr also discovers his own grave next to his father's, and learns that he was declared dead by his own people after disappearing on his journey to the Reach several years ago. Our travellers finally arrive at the highland homes of Clan Eskir, and the clanfolk are shocked and bewildered to see Ulfvyr returned from beyond the grave. When they arrive at the great hall of the clan chieftain, Ulfvyr is shocked to see his wife Estil emerge with a newborn babe in her arms, their son Froda at her side... and his half-brother Jhorhald Eskir with a hand on her shoulder, wearing his crown.   Jhorhald is amazed to see his half-brother and declares that Carrion has seen fit to carry Ulfvyr back from the Dry Lands. He anoints Ulfvyr with a new name, "Ravenrider" and declares a feast in his honour. All throughout the feast, many gather to ask Ulfvyr about his time in the afterlife... but Estil seems very remote and distant, refusing to speak with Ulfvyr or even meet his gaze. When he finally confronts her near the wine casks, she urges him to make good use of his new life and to spend it elsewhere. Semmian spies the druid he saved all those years ago, but time has ravaged the old man, leaving him infirm and rambling. Gwydion, fascinated by the Highlander culture she's surrounded by, continues to absorb information and keeps her ears open about how the Eskir clanfolk feel about Jhorhald's leadership. He has strengthened their ties with House Antyre, and now even sends them tribute and levies every season in exchange for trade goods. They have stopped most of their migration, shrinking down their territory, and some of the elders are upset over the abandoning of traditions even as the younger clanfolk delight at the baubles Jhorhald brings in from Antyre traders.   As the night carries on, the crowds dwindle until only Jhorhald and a handful of Antyre soldiers remain in the great hall with Ulfvyr, Semmian and Gwydion. Ulfvyr states bluntly that Jhorhald is sitting in his chair, and Jhorhald replies that he earned the chair by right, defeating five of their half-siblings in the Circle for the right to rule. He is Froda's new guardian and Estil's spouse, and shall rule until Froda comes of age. He offers Ulfvyr a chance at peace, a steading of his own and a herd to tend... but rule over Clan Eskir no longer belongs to him. Ulfvyr pushes further, needling Jhorhald as his temper rises. Unbeknownst to the others, Semmion makes a play to poison Jhorhald's cup, but the wary eyes of the Antyrian guards make such an attempt impossible, forcing him to abandon the plot. Seeing the guards growing tenser by the moment, Ulfvyr makes a final play to reason with Jhorhald and, citing his standing as Chieftain of Clan Eskir and druid of the Mother, demands that Jhorhald yield to him. It's a compelling speech... but Jhorhald isn't swayed. He nods to the Antyrian guards who swoop in to apprehend Ulfvyr, Semmian and Gwydion as we cut to black.


  • Ulfvyr's wife Estil had a single son with him, Froda, before he disappeared. 
  • The Antari Highlanders keep weapons on display, especially broken ones, if they were used in great deeds. 
The Burning Isle
Ulfvyr Tahn Eskir
Gwydion Ildrafn
Semmian DeRein
Report Date
18 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location