The Cardinal Cartel Organization in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

The Cardinal Cartel


Each of the authorized guilds within the Gromalion Consortium has a seat on the Cardinal Council. There are presently 16 directors that sit on the council. Who serves on the council is determined by each represented guild individually. Guilds of the Consortium with seats on the council are presently:
Kinship of the Sword - A guild of martial professionals Order of the Forge and Hammer - A smithing guild Friends of Roy - Woodwrights Deep Brown Ocean - Miners
The Salty Dogs - Specialize in maritime operations Order of the Silent Bough - Druids, Rangers, and Foresters The Limestone League - Masons and Cutters Company of the Western Walk - Adventurers Guild
Syndicate of the Leash - Escorts, prostitutes, and confidantes The Wizards Guild - They aren't very creative Gentlemen of the Noble District - The Thieves Guild The Clockwork Court - A guild of mechanical artisans
The Blue Sky Trading Legion - Airship Officers and Crew The Sandmen - Inn Keepers, Bar Tenders, Chefs, and Serving Girls The Shouting Mime - Bards, entertainers, and performing artisans Verum Victus - Far traders, bankers, and money changers
The Cardinal Council may be expanded or contracted with unanomous vote of the 16 directors and 5 supernumeraries.
Additionally there are 5 supernumerary positions that are filled by vote of the 16 directors. An individual may only hold one of the supernumerary positions if they receive the vote of three-fourths (12) or more of the permanent cartel seats. There is no term for the supernumerary positions. Should the ccartel wish to replace a sitting supernumerary, a new vote is called. These 5 members of the cartel also act as the public face of the cartel.
Title Sitting Councilor
Master Councilor Bob
Senior Councilor Joe
Foreign Councilor Pete
Marshal - Councilor of Defense Dan
Almoner - Councilor of Wealth John

Prosperity drives innovation. Innovation drives prosperity.

Character flag image: by Jonathan B. Levine