Hornaty Settlement in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Hornaty (horn-ah-TEE)

Hornaty is the primary trade town for minerals, gems, and ores coming out of the Venlof Mountains in the central region of the Gromalon Consortium. It was once the sole supplier of flowtalloy to the consortium, but semi-recent events have split the trade between Hornaty and Zalesněný.


Hornaty is a large town with a population of approximately 13,000 permanent residents. Most of the races of the peninsula are well represented:
  • Humans - 52%
  • Dwarves - 22% - Mostly mountain dwarves
  • Elves - 8% - Approximately evenly split between wood elves and high elves.
  • Halflings - 3%
  • Half Elves - 3%
  • Gnomes - 3% - Mostly hill gnomes
  • Half Orcs - 5%
  • Half-Ogres - 2%
  • Other Races - 2%


Locally, the city is governed by the Lord Forman and 6 Town Stewards. Matters are handled by a vote of the stewards with the Lord Forman only voting to break a tie if necessary, or to exercise veto authority over any vote if desired, The Lord Forman's veto can be overridden by a unanimous vote of the 6 stewards. The Lord Forman is appointed by the Cardinal Cabal of the Gromalion Consortium until removed by the same and the 6 stewards are elected to a 3 year term by permanent residents of Zalesněný. Two seats are up for election every year. There are no term limits for the positions held by the stewards.


Hornaty has three official elements in its emply for defending the town. Each with their own responsibilities, but are fully capable of a coordinated defense should the need arise.
The High Guard
The High Guard is an elite airborne assault force that utilizes airships to intercept attackers as far away from the city as possible. The High Guard is also responsible for patrolling the mining routes between the city; the nearby Venlof Mountains; and the crown jewel of resources, the flowtalloy mines beneath Mount Norfeat.
The Mid Watch
The Mid Watch are the troops responsible for defense of the city walls, ground action near the city proper, and maintaining law and order within the city.
The Under Corps
The Under Corps is a specialized force that has the ability to fight extremely well in close quarters like mines, tunnels, and caverns. They serve as a force that both defends the town during assults and act as guards in the mines of the nearby mountains.

Industry & Trade

Hornaty was once the sole supplier of liftalloy, but recent developments in the Kopcha Zalusa have limited travel to Groměsto and Zalesněný has begun mining and processing Flowtalloy to maintain the supply chain to Groměsto. This secondary supply chain has greatly pleased the Cardinal Cartel and rumours abound that the Gromalion Cabal are actually the source of the old trade route disruptions.


While several mine towns in the peninsula utilize mine carts and rails, Hornaty is unique among cities in the peninsula with a light rail system that also extends into the Venlof Mountains. Making this even more wondorous is that it is steam powered. Smelters and rock crushers are never in short supply in Hornaty. While plenty of metalurgists are available for contract hire.


Hornaty stands apart from most cities in the consortium because of it's lack of laid out districts. A lot of this stems from Hornaty's over specialization in gems and metals. This has lead to an abundance of smiths, gem cutters, metalworkers, miners, and those that might support mining equipment or mining operations proper. An unofficial trade district exists just outside the city walls where caravans await unloading of incoming goods and loading of outboud goods. Several decent inns and taverns have sprung up here to serve, and profit from, members of the caravan teams.

Guilds and Factions

As with all settlements in the Gromalion Consortium, the most influential guild (a term applied losely here) in the town is the Gromalion Cabal. The most powerful guild is Verum Victus, the trading guild. While most of the nations guilds are represented at some level in Hornaty, Deep Brown Ocean and Order of the Forge and Hammer are headquartered here.


The town was founded by miners, masons, and stone cutters. Buildings of stone, shaped rock, and granite blocks are the norm. Buildings of wood are typically only temporary until a more permanent structure can be fabricated.
Founding Date
7769 b.g.t.
Large town
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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