
From Dark Monastery (Aldas), Mature at 30, Life Expectancy 200
  Elves have the unique propensity to merge with Deridah in a way that no other races can. Long term, small to medium scale exposure to corruption makes an elf take this form.


Culture and cultural heritage

They tend to worship darker gods. Under the guidance of Asch Figthorn, they were originally worshipers of Balimor. After his destruction they then began worshiping Shadir - God of Hatered. After the Ereburst they have been more diverse in their religious beliefs, though many tend towards Fyr and Aria Luxord.   A people who have had their faith destroyed twice. They have been judged for the actions of their brainwashed, Deridah-affected predecessors. The corruption in their physical makeup can lead them to a dark view of the world, and the expectations and prejudices against them doesn't help either.

Common Dress code

Robes and generally loose garb

Art & Architecture

They follow traditional elven styles, though often with darker colors, go figure

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Each new dark elf born at the dark monastery is bathed under a font of Deridah infused water

Historical figures

+1 magic defense
Parent ethnicities
Related Locations


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