Jred Frontier

The Jred Frontier is a part of the broader Near Frontier that exists rimward of Civilized Space. It is so named because the Jred, who came from a now unknown world in the Rimward Colonies, moved through this area of the frontier towards Sol during the Jred Scourge. The Jred Frontier is a dangerous and comparatively desolate area of space, as the once thriving colonies established during the Third Expansion have been largely overrun by the Jred, others dying in the dark after the Great Cataclysm, and the hardy survivors often fighting for survival against the alien conciousness that lingers centuries after the Scourge. The Jred Frontier of today is therefore a dangerous place for most, as there are few worlds without a Jred Presence, and even for those that managed to avoid infestation, the fear of one of the surviving spaceborne organisms arriving on their world and disgorging a cloud of mutative spores and killer beasts remains a constant worry. The greater influence of Jred beings and the presence of bioantennae in much greater numbers left the area ravaged harder by the Cataclysm, and leaves the Jred Frontier much more prone to Jumpspace Anomalies.   The Jred Frontier's borders, particularly where they end, and the Far Frontier begins are somewhat harder to define than those of other frontier areas, as the inhibiting factor for further colonization, the presence of Jred lifeforms, is wildly inconsistent in distribution. While the official Galactic Surveyor's Guild maps, place the boundary at 30 parsecs from the Sol Sectors Rimward border, many other relevant organizations have different definitions. Their inward boundaries are somewhat easier however, as the inner border of the Jred Frontier coincides with those of the Neuve Lorraine, Gemini, and Io Sectors. The Jred Frontier is one of the less populous regions of space, less so even than the safer areas of the Far Frontier, and those who survive in this area of space tend to be hardened survivalists, pirates, or mercenaries.


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Aug 21, 2024 05:56

A very troubled region of space it seems- not just by conflict with Jred but the Jred antennae destruction disrupting jumpspace.