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11/18/213 - Report of Ranaghar Argear

General Summary

Bounty:   Went off to find this girls family.
Nilivander got pulled into the river.
Was a Zombie, pinned down by a tree.
Sigrid called Nilivander a Keebler. Sounds racist.
Stigr heard chanting at night.
Started heading towards the chanting, forest ended. Found a structure.
Crumbled structure, seems to be a temple of some sort. Like a church.
The dirt around the place has been recently trampled flat.
Knocked on the door, met Brent Martin.
Killed Brent Martin and his crew.
Collected Recipe: Cantrip/1st Level Spell Scroll, Scroll of Detect Evil & Good, Scroll of Protection from Evil & Good, Scroll of Prayer of Healing, 4x Moonstone, 8x Carnelian.
Found books "Prophecy of the Castigation" and "Account of the Sixfold Angel".

Encountered some nude demonic looking "woman". A Disciple of Shamsiel.
The statue had "Shamsiel, the Guardian; he who taught Man the signs of the Sun." carved into it.

At the foot of the statue was a scroll.
"And, thus, I shall send my Angel among thee and the blood of my Angel shall be thy salvation. He shall mark thee with the blood which has seen my light And the blood shall burn thy flesh as fire and leave my mark upon thee. For I shall pass through the land of Archaea this night and smite all who dwell in it, both man and beast and against all the gods of that land I shall execute judgment. And the blood of my Angel shall be to you a token upon thy flesh and when I see the blood, I shall pass over you and my plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Archaea."

Zarus statue "Riches profit not in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death."
Collected 4x Silver Ewer (25 GP each), 5x Cloth-of-Gold Vestments (25 GP each), 162x Electrum Coin, 548 Silver Coin, 889 Bronze Coin.

Rewards Granted

783 XP


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