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4/2/214 - Report of Ma'ago Einshuudr

General Summary

Adventure Report (25 MAR 214 –2 APR 214)
by Ma’ago Einshuudr   25 MAR 214
Ma’ago Einshuudr, Walter Lefkaris, Eagrym the Risen, and Petra Wagner travel east into the mountains for the Archaean  watchtower. They intended to finish cleaning it out, seeing as the previous Party encountered a roadblock with Monsters when they were quite beat.   26 MAR 214 through 28 MAR 214
Traveled to destination.   29 MAR 214
The Party arrived and was immediately ambushed by two Drakes. They weren’t much, and were taken down easily. The top of the rafters where they roosted held 36x Gold Aureii, 150x Electrum Siliquae, 135 Silver Denarii, 2x Malachite (affinity of Earth), and 5x Turquoise (affinity of Air). 2 copper Drake scales were obtained off the Drakes. Heading further down into the Dungeon, the Party was attacked by Floating Swords guarding a door. Even though they were dispatched relatively easy, they managed to deal decent damage. Within the next room, Petra misinterpreted a set of runes on a door, thinking it was okay to enter. It was not. It was not okay to enter. The door exploded, dealing massive damage to her, and an evil Wraith appeared, sending out smaller Specters  to attack us. At this time, a large Flesh Golem busted into the room.   Ma’ago immediately secured the Wraith in a magic circle, and the rest of the team chipped away at the Golem and smaller Specters. With the Wraith secured, Ma’ago then assisted with the others, who were very badly hurt. By the end, Eagrym had to be risen several times, and Walter was unfortunately killed. The Wraith had dropped a Ring of Shooting Stars. Inside the Wraith’s room was an Amethyst and silver chalice, and a journal, showing a descent into madness, with no dates for the entries.   “The Apostates think to starve us out, but we’ve enough supplies to last a year or more. These are brave and honorable men. The enemy’s resolve will break before ours.”   “Lucius came to me today, asking if my magic could dislodge the way out. T’would be impossible, I told him. Any blast powerful enough would bring the whole tower down on our heads and I must see what lies above to use a more precise method. The men yearn for an honorable death in battle. I can hardly blame them, but we must wait for the apostates to come to us.”     “Hope has begun to dwindle. It is hardly surprising under the circumstances. The others are convinced that the apostates have left, but I know better. I can hear them out there just above our heads, their blasphemous chanting in the very walls! They wish us to let down our guard, but we must stand strong. When we die, it must be with honor.”     “I am alone now. I might have dissuaded them from this reckless end but, fool that I was, I shut them out. I confess, I had tired of their defeatist talk, but I hardly knew morale had sunk so low. It is my fault, but I must not despair. If I join the others in death, then the apostates’ victory will be complete.”     “I pray my comrades might forgive me this sacrilege. It is necessary, horrible though it may be. I cannot let their deaths be in vain.”     “Food is running short. I hardly eat anymore at any rate. There is too much work to do and I am alone to do it. When the apostates come, I must be ready.”

“I hear them. They are coming.”
  During our respite, Walter had convulsed into livelihood, coughing up what seemed to be salt water. He claimed his God, Procan, had brought him back. Regardless, we are pleased.   30 MAR 214 through 2 APR 214
Traveled back to Gatefall.

Rewards Granted

1275 XP

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Report Date
09 Sep 2023
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