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8/23/213 - Report of Helena and Djinn

General Summary

Aug 23, 213 Helena’s Report Scribed by Djinn   This New World is unforgiving. Beasts long thought eradicated roam the landscape, and powerful creatures unknown to the homeland call this realm their home. It fills me with a sense of fear I haven’t felt since my first foray during the war. But I am not the same fresh faced soldier I was then- nay, the fear I feel is overwhelmed by a sense of excitement and urgency and wonder. This world is untouched, unclean.   And I, Helena, The Lioness, will cleanse it.   I digress.   Our first foray into the portal was an uncomfortable experience, with a twisting and turning of our insides, an ancient magic unknown to us. It left both Djinn and I ill, though we regained our bearing shortly after. Accompanying us were several individuals of heathenous nature, and with the long years of war having taken its toll on me, I was able to ignore my instinct to purge them. Though I still do not trust them, Djinn and I will work with them for now, and I am sure they will see the light of Cuthbert in due time. They always do.   Our first foray into the wilds was due southwest, towards an adjacent river, in order to secure fresh water. As more and more individuals enter this new realm, whether seeking glory or wealth, a continuous source of fresh water will be invaluable. I intend to establish a mission here, once the local area is secure, and as such I must ensure that the habitability remains satisfactory.   It was during these travels that we encountered a race of amphibious natives, when our wagon was caught mid ford. Despite attempting communication, it became apparent that these "Slicklicks" as Djinn put it, were hostile. Though they outnumbered us, their tactics were primitive, along with their weapons, and my Halberd easily ripped through their soft flesh. Djinn used the blessings given to him by Cuthbert on high to slay their shamanistic leader, and the rest of the Slicklicks and their Frogger mounts fled, cowards that they were.   I Djinn, then harvested their tongues for their alchemical properties, as the Heretic Church woman deduced. Perhaps I will investigate further when Helena gives me reprieve to do so.   We made camp for the night, and the others nursed their wounds. Djinn and I, forged in the war, were familiar with the horrors of combat, and were relatively unscathed. Following this, we then discovered two locations of interest, one being a Mandrake grove,   Where I harvested mandrakes for further herbology,   And the other, the decrepit acidic remnants of a battlefield, centuries old: Evidence of humanoid civilization in these lands. The black pitch that pervaded the land burned flesh, and seemed to hunger, and we attempted to avoid it, with little success. Though the pain was excruciating, we marched on, intent to investigate the ruins here. We encountered a Carrion Crawler, incredibly rare in the homeland, but it seems the new world is rife with surprises, both old and new. A black mass of goo called a Corpse Sludge, spat out skeletal minions which I readily dispatched, followed by Djinn securing the blow on the Crawler. A glorious victory in the name of Cuthbert. Of course, until the elf boy instigated combat the sludge creature- and nearly had us all killed. I have never in my travels encountered a being horrendous as this- a being that made me feel more like a lion cub than a lioness. It evaded my blade and split into two smaller beings, unphased, and then proceeded to take me out in a single blow. If not for Djinn, I do not know what would have happened to me. We retreated some distance, and the creature did not give chase - and then I harvested the Crawler’s brain - and chose to leave to return to Gatefall. On the return journey, we witnessed a Cockatrice long extinct in the homeland. What this new realm has to offer, could truly be anything.   Now I need to rest, and tend my wounds. This new world is rife with danger, and I intend to subjugate it.   It will see the light, either by Cuthbert’s will or by my blade.

Rewards Granted

333 XP, 60 Guilders

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