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8/23/213 - Report of Mythtoleerdeax Keaphaud

General Summary

First Expedition From Gatefall   Mythtoleerdeax Keaphaud   Listen well, brave souls of our New World, to the tale of the first excursion from Gatefall! A legendary moment indeed. I am Mythtoleerdeax of clan Keaphaud and I am your humble Bard, happy to share with you this story as, YES, I was there my self! Yes, yes, very brave, I know. But following these Adventures is very important work as I am sure you will agree.   Im sure most of you noticed, not many days past, the arrival from Karstadt of some of the first true adventurers to this New World, myself among them. As I said, I am Mythtoleerdeax. But I understand, the draconic tongue can become a bit twisted on the lips, so please, call me Myth if you like. I am a bard from Karstadt but allow me to tell you of the other noble folk that I followed into the wild! First is the dynamic holy duo of Djinn and Helena the Lioness. The former a loyal and wise Cleric, the latter a powerful holy avenger. Both faithful servants of the Divine Martyr himself, no less! Here to bring noble crusade to the savage wilds. Speaking of clerics, there is also Günther Anstürmen. A rather mysterious figure from the even more mysterious backwoods of deep Eisen. Here, I am told, to seek new land to settle. There is also Lyudmila Krupiński, a lovely young lady from Sarmion. Ah does she remind me of home...what? Yes I'm from Sarmion, can’t you tell from the accent? Anyway...Lyudmila is Sarmion's best and brightest, sent by the Church of Pholtus to put her powerful mind to work here. Finally there is the mysterious figure we know as Ranaghar Argear. He does not speak much, but come close and I shall share with you a secret of my kind. Take it to heart when a Dragonborn tells you that symbol he bears on his shield is the mark of an old god from our Dragon pantheon, before the worship of the great Bahamut and Tiamat even! An Ominous sign I tell you, and as your devoted bard I shall uncover the story hidden there! Pay heed to these names, as I am sure you will hear much of their heroic deeds!   Now that you know of our cast, let me begin our tale. Tasked with exploring about Gatefall we took to the horizon aboard Günther’s wagon, pulled at haste by their noble steeds. We were took to task as we met with the great River Ilaruhan. least that is what I call it, not official yet. Is Draconic for SouthWest, what do you think? Sorry, I digress. We chose to ford the river, as they say fortune favors the bold, does it not? As Günther’s gallant mounts took us through the rapids, we were tossed and battered, but held fast as we rode on. But as we neared the far bank we were met with the first natives we were to ever encounter. Bufonidious bullies mounted atop big bellicose bullfrogs! Or Slicklicks and Froggers as we call them. But we are no barbarous beasts, hells-bent on brutal butchery and beatings. We made attempt to commune with them as any hero would. But, alas, they set upon us with tooth and claw. Günther bravely took directly to their leader, setting upon it with a magical club. Helena and Djinn, back to back, kept at bay the horrid creatures that set upon the wagon near the front as the rest of us dealt with the amphibious accosters that attacked from the river behind. Ranaghar put to work the power of his ruinous dragon fire, hurling it at our foes. Lyudmila the brilliant alchemist made use of her deadly concoctions, spilling acids upon their warted flesh. A harrowing fight for sure, out numbered three...sorry FIVE to one and surrounded, attacked just as we escaped the deadly river, but we bested them in the end.   And so we set camp, having driven off our assailants, eager to put end to first day and rest for the remainder of our journey. After which we chose to survey the land, after all we do hope to find Resources to better the lives of you fine folk here in Gatefall. I believe we found a source of Mandrake Root, very important in alchemical work Lyudmila tells us. However it was not long before a foul malodorous stench caught our attention. A short trek following it would bring us to an ancient battlefield, Human corpses decayed and strewn about an awful tar. What do you think happened here my friends? A battlefield in the New World, clearly so much older than possible for anyone from The Old World to be among the dead. There is a story here dear listeners, and what an adventure it will be to uncover it! But it was time for us to return, our job done for the time and information to return with! Though it would not be so easy. For as we made to leave we discovered that this awful Corpse Sludge was alive, and hungry! From its grotesque innards crawled forth shambling Skeletons. Animated by what I can only assume some devious magics. Helena and Djinn strode to war with them. The Lioness set upon them as a whirlwind in a fatal dance with the dead. Of course the rest of us were ready and willing to join the fray but the mass of dead had attracted a massive Carrion Crawler. Yes you heard me right, a rare and deadly beasty apparently not as rare in this New World. So a fight it was! Blades and magic went to work as we put back down the dead and slew the Crawler, its tentacles leaving me a mark here to serve as proof to you fine folk. After this Helena took her blade to the Sludge itself. Though a word to the wise my friends, share in the lesson we learned. A sharp edge to the Corpse Sludge shall send a second slime to separate body from soul. Luckily we found the thing was quite dumb, and found it hard to track us more than a few meters away.   We were finally able to return. The journey back not so eventful as to bore you with but we did scare away a Cockatrice! Extinct? No no no my friend they are very much alive here, so be careful out there or you might be calling the stones your kin. I do thank you for listening, but if you are anything like me, you only have more questions to ask. What was that battlefield? I look forward to the day we know the story, and who knows, maybe Ill be the one to tell it! So seek me out when I'm in town, good people, and I might have the tale of another journey to share!

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