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Circle of the Land

The Circle of the Land is an Archetype of the Druid Class available to players during Character Creation. It is the most common type of Druid in The Old World as well as the oldest, having existed among various Races since the Age of Dawn. Land Druids focus primarily on spellcasting, allowing them to exert unparalleled control over the battlefield in Combat, though they also retain the ability to transform into beasts if needed (see

The Circle of the Land is so-named because of its emphasis on communion with the earth itself, rather than the creatures which inhabit it. This connection allows Land Druids to cast many spells without rest, replenishing their own power by drawing on the natural energies of their environment. It also causes them to acquire a strong affinity for their native biome, gaining certain intuitive abilities which vary from region to region. Unsurprisingly, Land Druids are often reluctant to leave their homelands. Though they retain their unique abilities, they tend to feel restless and out-of-place when the land around them is unlike that with which they are familiar.

Land Druids were once widespread throughout the Old World but have become progressively rarer as civilization expands. Nonetheless, they still exist in significant numbers among the tribal cultures of Ifri, Inismore, and Sarmion. Their teachings revolve around maintaining harmony between nature and the mortal Races, leading many to become sages, philosophers, and spiritual leaders, though others shun the company of men and choose to live as hermits in the deep wilderness. Land Druids are relatively peaceful, as they consider unnecessary violence to be a disruption of the natural order, but will fight ferociously if their native lands are threatened by outsiders.


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