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Druid is a Class available to players during Character Creation. Druids are versatile characters who channel the power of nature to great effect in Combat, shapeshifting into deadly beasts and calling down spells to support their allies and reshape the battlefield (see, but note the variant rules detailed below). This Class is best-suited to Races with strong mental discipline and an aptitude for communion with the natural world, such as Human, Dwarf, Elf, or Half-Elf. There are two Druid Archetypes: Circle of the Land and Circle of the Moon.

Druids are subject to the following variant rules:
  • When a Druid uses their "Wild Shape" ability, they calculate their Attack Bonus and any ability DCs using either their animal form's Proficiency Bonus or their own, whichever is higher;
  • While using Wild Shape, a Druid's Hit Point maximum is equal to either their animal form's default Hit Point maximum or six times their Druid level, whichever is higher;
  • If a Druid is reduced to 0 Hit Points while using Wild Shape, they suffer one level of Exhaustion.



Druids are shamans, sages, and witch doctors who possess an intuitive connection with the currents of magic flowing through all living things. Some are hermits, shunning the company of their fellow men and associating only with beasts, while others serve as liaisons between mortal communities and the natural world, ensuring that the two remain in harmony. Druidic traditions and rituals are carefully guarded secrets, passed down from master to apprentice over years of study and contemplation.

Social Status

Druids are products of a less civilized era, when mortal Races lacked the power to bend nature to their will and lived in fear of its wrath. In many Nations, particularly those which worship Pholtus, their pagan rituals and reclusive demeanor make them objects of suspicion and persecution. The tribal societies which produce Druids, however, hold them in high regard for their wisdom, healing powers, and strength in battle.


Druids are rare in the more populous parts of The Old World, and almost unheard-of in the staunchly Pholtist Nations of Latia Major. In the wild places of Ifri, Inismore, Mennavjar, and Sarmion, however, tribal folk still follow the old ways and depend on Druids to safeguard them from the dangers of the wilderness. They serve a unique role in Khitai as well, where they are considered sacred to the goddess Sehanine Moonbow.


Druidism is likely the oldest magical tradition, as Druids are known to have practiced their craft since well before the dawn of recorded history. They were once ubiquitous in the Old World, but their influence has gradually declined since the Age of Building, as the growth of organized Religions led Clerics to increasingly monopolize the role of spiritual leader. The details of Druidic history are largely unknown, as Druids are insular folk and rarely share their secrets with outsiders.


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