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Free City of Karstadt

The Free City of Karstadt is a Nation located in The Old World on the continent of Latia Major. It is a prosperous city-state which was formerly part of Eisen, but gained its independence early in the Age of Discovery. It is the smallest Nation in the Old World by Land Area and the second-smallest by Population. As a crucial hub of international trade and the headquarters of the Atabean Trading Company, however, Karstadt exercises far more influence than its small size would suggest. It maintains a strict policy of neutrality, but is known for playing its larger and more powerful neighbors off against one another to maintain its independence. It is the location of the World Gate's Old World terminus and, thus, the "closest" Nation to The New World.

Nos defendemus. ("We will preserve [ourselves].")

Flag of Karstadt
by Lindsay Chowdhury
Founding Date
July 26th, 12 AD
Geopolitical, Free City
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Atabean Guilder
Notable Members


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