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Hill Dwarf

Hill Dwarves are a Sub-Race of Dwarf native to The Old World. They are the second-most common type of Dwarf after Mountain Dwarves, but the most likely to venture out of their ancestral homeland and take up Adventuring. They are a playable Sub-Race best-suited to Classes which take advantage of their natural fortitude and keen intuition, such as Cleric, Paladin, or Ranger (see

Basic Information


Hill Dwarves are significantly shorter than Mountain Dwarves, but broader in frame, and have blunter facial features. Both types are easily distinguished from Duergar by their fair skin and thick hair. Male Hill Dwarves grow long bushy beards and females frequently sport whiskers on their cheeks.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Unlike other types of Dwarves, Hill Dwarves rarely live underground, preferring to build large fortified settlements on hilltops and mountainsides. They are a gruff, but honest people, who place loyalty to their loved ones and faith in the Morndinsamman above all other priorities. Hill Dwarves are also fierce warriors and every household is expected to contribute manpower in times of war. In peacetime, most earn their living as farmers, herdsmen, or sailors.

Facial characteristics

Most Hill Dwarves have blunt rounded facial features and may look almost brutish compared to Mountain Dwarves. They have green or blue-green eyes and red or blonde hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Hill Dwarves are native to Inismore, having immigrated from Drachen during the Golden Age, and form a majority of its population. They are also commonly found in Dunlagh, Eisen, and Vestenjar.

Average Intelligence

Hill Dwarves are sometimes considered simple compared to Mountain Dwarves, but this is largely because their culture focuses on family, faith, and simple pleasures rather than political intrigue and scientific advancement. Hill Dwarves place great value on frankness and common sense and tend to be excellent judges of character.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Robustus Vulgaris
Average Physique
Hill Dwarves are short and stocky, even by Dwarven standards.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pinkish-white with a fair or ruddy complexion.


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